Capture Ghosts on Film

Ghosts - some people believe in them, some don't. Whether intentional or not, you may be able to capture an image of a ghost on film. Read on to learn how.


  1. Purchase a camera. Any camera will do, but a digital camera that you can plug into your computer is often preferred for verification purposes because tampering is pretty obvious to a professional. Most professionals use a Polaroid camera as digital editing is impossible and the results are instant.
  2. Find a Haunted House in which to search for a ghost.
  3. Take "control" pictures randomly about the area. If you plan to conduct your search in one specific area, take photos from as many angles as possible of that spot.
  4. Say out loud in a clear, calm tone "If anyone is here, I invite you to show yourselves in my pictures."
  5. Take pictures randomly around your chosen location. Occasionally repeat your invitation.
  6. Leave the location.
  7. Review your pictures to see if you caught anything. If you have photo editing software, it can be helpful to run the pictures through some filters in order to highlight unusual items. Some things to look for are:
    • Orbs - Some theorize these to be the simplest form of a disembodied soul, they are probably the most common captures. An orb usually looks like a white ball, however it can also be a different color. In most cases it is just a speck of dust or even an insect, so don't get too excited about orbs unless you can be 100% sure there is something very strange about it. Most credible ghost hunting groups discount orbs due to the very high risk of them being easily explained.
    • Human Forms - If you're lucky, you may capture an apparition; these are actual bodies or body parts of ghosts. It takes a lot of energy for a ghost to appear like that.
    • Thick Mist - Very thick mist-like shapes or streaks, often in very specific areas. Usually it's very obviously not normal mist.
    • Lights - Be sure you know where your light sources are (street lights, houses, etc) and that you can discount someone creating it. This a controversial capture as many can be explained.


  • Ghosts are likely in areas where a lot of emotion occurred. Try doing some basic research before you do your photography to pick a good area you may be more likely to get results in.
  • Ghosts are also attached to important objects.
  • Ghosts for some unknown reason tend to be found near or on stairs.
  • Be careful, not all ghosts are exactly nice. There are some dangerous ghosts so if you get pushed or punched or even scratched leave immediately, that is very serious and could be worse just be on the safe side.
  • Never watch scary movies before you film. That will only make you more scared.
  • Ghosts are usually found in places where events have once happened or where someone has died.
  • Do the filming at night. That is when ghosts come out. Have some people with you, so you feel confident.


  • If you conduct a search in the dark, be careful where you are walking! you don't want to fall into or off something!
  • Don't trespass! Do not venture onto private property without permission.
  • Make sure if you see orbs that there not in fact ball lightning. It is currently unknown how to tell the two apart.
  • Many times, the orbs that are caught on the camera are actually common, everyday things. A car's headlights, a reflection of indoor lights in the window glass, even dust particles can appear to be a ghostly orb in a photo (often, dust particle "orbs" will appear to have smiley faces.) Do not be discouraged (not ALL orbs can be explained away like that which could possibly mean that some of them are ghosts,) but, do study them carefully before you determine them to be ghosts.

Things You'll Need

  • A camera or video recorder
  • A tri-pod to hold your camera still
  • Light and Motion Tracker App

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