Care for a Bandage or Splint on a Cat

Care for your cat's bandage or splint by checking it regularly for signs of infection, or for damage to the dressing. Prevent damage by keeping your cat indoors and avoiding intense play. Purchase a protective bandage covering (e.g. veterinary boots) to keep the wound coverings clean and dry. Make sure that your cat doesn't chew on its bandage or splint, and schedule vet appointments to have the wrapping changed as often as necessary.


Checking Your Cat's Bandage or Splint

  1. Observe the bandage or splint daily. Check your cat's splint or bandage at least twice daily to make sure that it is dry and secure. Time these observations with other normal activities, such as brushing or after-meal relaxation. If your cat demonstrates unease when you check the bandage, use treats or gentle petting to calm it down.[1]
    • If your cat resists contact with its bandaged area, simply observe it visually to assess its condition.
  2. Look for signs of infection. To ensure that the wound under your cat's bandage or splint does not get infected, check for signs of infection around the edge of the wrapping. An infection may lead to more serious complications and should be treated immediately. Bring your cat to the vet as soon as possible if you see:[1]
    • Swollen or red skin
    • Foul odor
    • Discharge
    • Sores
  3. Make sure the bandage doesn't loosen or tighten. Observe your cat's bandage or splint at least twice a day to make sure it doesn't get loose or tighten around your cat's limb. The latter may be evident if your cat's toes begin to swell, indicating that circulation is being cut off. Call your vet immediately to have your cat's wound re-bandaged.[2]
    • While you wait for your cat's wound to be re-bandaged by a vet, confine it to a single room to supervise it and keep it from further damaging the wound covering.

Preventing Damage or Removal

  1. Keep your cat indoors. While your cat is recovering from an injury and wearing a splint or bandage, it should be kept indoors at all times. The odds of your cat's wound wrapping getting wet or loosening are greater outdoors, which could lead to infection or further injury. If you do choose to let your cat outdoors, be sure that its bandage or splint is protected with a waterproof covering (available in many pet stores, or online.)[1]
  2. Purchase protective bandage-covering clothing. To prevent your cat's bandage from getting loosened, ripped, or chewed, purchase protective bandage-covering clothing for them to wear. Veterinary jackets or boots can keep your cat's bandage or splint dry and clean while they heal. Check with your veterinarian to make sure that such a product would be appropriate for your cat's specific wound, and look online for models that are waterproof, well-made, and properly sized for your pet.[3]
  3. Avoid intense play. While your cat is healing, avoid playing games that involve too much excitement or heavy exercise (e.g. chasing or hunting games). Activity restriction is important, and will help to keep you pet's bandage or splint intact. Increase petting or grooming to keep your cat occupied and content during this time.[4]
  4. Ensure that your cat doesn't chew on its wound dressing. Monitor your cat to make sure it doesn't chew on its wound dressing. If it does, your cat may need to wear an Elizabethan collar to cut off its access to the wound site. Contact your vet if your cat suddenly begins chewing its bandage or splint after previously leaving it alone, as this may indicate an infection or irritation.[1]

Changing a Bandage or Splint

  1. Schedule regular bandage or splint changes. When your cat's bandage or splint is put on, ask your veterinarian if you can schedule appointments to have the dressing changed. Your veterinarian will advise you about how often this should occur, as bandages on infected wounds may have to be changed up to twice a day (or every 2 days for uninfected wounds) while splints may stay on for up to a week before being changed. Ideally, dressing changes should be done by a veterinarian to prevent infection, further injury, or an inadequately covered wound.[1]
  2. Change your cat's splint. If you are not able to bring your cat to the vet to have its splint changed, do it yourself using gauze pads, cotton roll, stretch gauze, elastic bandage, and wooden sticks. Gently remove the original splint entirely and apply a new gauze pad if there is a wound present. Wrap cotton roll and stretch gauze around the wound, place flat wooden sticks on either side of your cat's injured limb, and wrap the entire limb with an elastic bandage.[5]
    • To prevent your cat from wriggling away or ruining its new splint, have a friend or family member hold it while you change the splint.
    • As you change the splint, inspect the injury for any signs of irritation or infection.
  3. Replace bandaging at home. Gently remove your cat's bandage the way you would remove a splint, then re-wrap the limb with cotton roll and stretch gauze (3-4 layers of each). Wrap the wound tautly enough to stabilise the limb and attach it with adhesive tape.[5]
    • After bandaging your cat's limb, check it's paws to make sure they are not cold from lack of circulation.If they are, unwrap your cat's limb immediately and start again.

Sources and Citations


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