Heal a Skin Tear

Skin tears occur when your skin splits open, or begins to separate from itself, causing a minor but painful wound. Skin tears are among the most common forms of injury due to a wide variety of causes, and often occur in elderly people and newborns. People who are immobile, have a chronic illness, or take steroids for a long period of time can also develop skin tears. To prevent infection and heal a skin tear, start by cleaning it and bandaging it properly. Severe skin tears may require medical care by a doctor.


Cleaning the Skin Tear

  1. Wash the skin tear with warm water. Start by washing the skin tear and the surrounding skin with warm water. Use your hand to gently wash the area. Do not rub or scrub the area, as this can cause more damage to the skin.[1]
    • Avoid using a towel or cloth to wash the area, as this can irritate the skin tear further. Your hand and running water should work just fine.
    • Make sure you clean the skin tear before you apply a new dressing or bandage to it. This will ensure no bacteria is present in the skin tear before you bandage it.
  2. Use a saline wound cleanser. You can also apply a saline wound cleanser to the skin tear. The wound cleanser will contain water and antibacterial ingredients to help clean the area.[2]
    • When you apply the wound cleanser, do not rub or scrub the area.
  3. Allow the skin tear to air dry. This way take 10 to 20 minutes. You can also use a soft towel to pat the area dry, being careful not to rub or scrub the area.[2]

Bandaging the Skin Tear

  1. Tuck the skin flap over the skin tear, if possible. If the skin flap is still attached to the skin tear, use a damp cotton tip to gently ease it back into place. You can also use tweezers or a gloved finger to do this. This will help the skin tear to heal properly.[1]
  2. Use petroleum jelly gauze. Petroleum jelly gauze is a good option for skin tears as it will protect it and keep it moist so it can heal. Petroleum jelly gauze comes in strips. Use scissors to cut the gauze to fit the area. Then, apply the gauze over the skin tear, leaving a one-inch border around the skin tear.[2]
    • You can get petroleum jelly gauze online or at your local drugstore.
  3. Wrap the area with a Kerlix bandage. Kerlix bandages are made of thick gauze. They will help to protect the skin tear and keep it moist. Use paper tape to the bandage to keep the gauze in place. Make sure you only apply tape to the gauze, not to the skin.[2]
    • You will need to change out the Kerlix bandage every one to two hours to ensure it does not dry to the skin tear.
  4. Replace the bandages regularly. Change the bandages on the skin tear once to twice a day. Soak the bandages in saline solution to make removing them easier, especially if they have an adhesive. Lift the bandages off and away from the direction of the attached skin flap. Clean the skin tear with water before you apply a new bandage.[1]
    • You should also check the skin tear for any signs of infection, such as swelling, odor, pus, or heat coming from the skin tear. If you suspect the skin tear is infected, or it does not appear to be getting better, see a doctor.

Seeking Medical Care for the Skin Tear

  1. Get the doctor to use medical glue on the skin tear. If the skin tear causes an open wound, you may need to see a doctor. The doctor can then use medical glue to close the skin tear. This will help the skin tear to heal and prevent the tear from becoming infected.[3]
    • If the skin tear is very painful, the doctor may numb the area before they apply the medical glue.
  2. Discuss getting stitches on the skin tear. The doctor may also suggest stitches on the skin tear to close the skin. This may be an option if the skin tear is severe and is at risk of infection. The doctor will use a local anesthesia on the area before they stitch it up.[3]
  3. Get pain medication from the doctor, if needed. Skin tears can be sore and painful, especially if they are located on a sensitive spot on the body. Ask your doctor for prescription pain medication to help reduce the pain as the skin tear heals.[3]
    • The doctor may also recommend over-the-counter pain medication you can get at your local drugstore.

Preventing Skin Tears

  1. Moisturize your skin. Apply lotion or another moisturizer to your skin, especially on your arms and legs. Skin that is dry tears much easier than skin that is moisturized.
    • Drinking water also helps moisturize your skin, so be sure to consume eight 8-oz. glasses of water each day.[4]
  2. Eat healthy foods. The foods you eat can also affect your skin. The best foods for promoting skin health include nuts, tomatoes, spinach, and fatty fish.[5]
  3. Light your environment adequately. Skin tears are often caused by bumping into your surroundings. Make sure your home or work has adequate light sources to avoid such accidents.

Sources and Citations

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