Care for a Camel Spider

The camel spider often referred to as a wind scorpion is actually neither a spider nor a scorpion but belongs to a species all by itself called Solifugae. This fierce creature doesn't make a very good pet but some arachnid lovers enjoy keeping them anyway. If for some reason you find yourself with one of these and your first instinct isn't to squish it read on for some helpful tips on how to care for and keep it alive!


  1. Buy the necessary equipment. These creatures are not cheap you will need.
    • At least 10-15 gallon enclosure, with heat control.
    • Hard plastic or glass lid with holes.
    • Sand, peat moss, or potting soil.
    • Water dish.
    • Logs, rocks, and other hiding spots..
  2. Build the enclosure. This enclosure will need to be strong, escape proof basically. They are fast and can climb incredibly well. They will need anywhere from 3-8 inches of sand, peat moss, or potting soil to be able to burrow. They also enjoy other hiding areas such as rocks, logs, etc. A little water dish would also help but they get most of their water from their prey.
  3. Test out this enclosure. Make sure there is no possibility for escape. Pull on the lid, smack and push on it to ensure that it won't be easily knocked off. Make sure it's on a solid ground/table and that can't be knocked over.
  4. Place the incest in the enclosure and quickly secure the lid.
  5. Maintain temperature at all times. Especially if you live in a colder climate you will need a heat control for this. Keep the enclosure at 80-95 degrees Fahrenheit, and 75 degrees Fahrenheit at night. At night, increase the humidity with a light misting.
  6. Feed them the proper foods. They will eat alive or dead mealworms, crickets, cockroaches, spiders, lizards, scorpions, mice, etc. They eat a lot so feed them every day and every other day with something larger. (About the size of their abdomen)


  • These can grow up to six inches and live up to a year and a half from youth. Caught from the wild their life span is about four months.


  • If bitten by a camel spider seek medical attention immediately. While its bite is not venomous it is extremely painful and will break the skin. It can also cause a fast moving infection.
  • These creatures can run up to 10 miles per hour when properly motivated, so if they get loose you may never find them again unless they want you to.
  • You can never handle this creature. If you ever need to reach or clean the container wear protection and block off escape routes.
  • They can bite through mesh and softer plastic.