Change Teen Diapers

Diapers are a part of everyday life for many people with disabilities or other physiological issues. It is important to be prepared and efficient when changing the diaper of a teen as they may be easily embarrassed by the process. Knowing your position options and understanding how to use your supplies will make everything go much smoother. Try your best to preserve the teen’s privacy and give them as much control over the process as you can.


Getting Ready

  1. Look for signs. Watch for indications that they need a diaper change. In case of soiling accidents it is usually easy to smell and you may have noticed they were standing in an easy discoverable "soiling" position and even heard them farting loud. With more independent teens, you can ask them if they need a diaper change. If they are less independent, you may need to do a visual check. Quickly peek inside the back and front of the diaper to see if it is wet or soiled.
    • They may resist your need to check if they need a diaper change, so be sensitive to their feelings; try to respect their privacy and dignity as you check. Try to do the visual check discretely although it can be impossible to do without exposing their diaper at least partly. Try also to make them understand that if they tell you every time they need a diaper change, you don't need to do any checks and exposing their diaper to others. If possible, you can develop common code words/phrases, such as saying, “Do you need a break?/I need a break” A break meaning a diaper change. You could also say "It doesn't smell like roses here - do you need to get some fresh air?/I need some fresh air"
    • It is important to change the diaper immediately when you suspect it may be soiled. Delaying changes can contribute to the development of incontinence and urinary tract infections.[1]
    • The frequency of changes depends on a number of factors (health of the person, etc.), but a teen diaper should be replaced between 5-8 times during a day. If possible, create a changing schedule and adjust it as necessary for additional dirty diapers.
  2. Go to a changing area. If you are in a home setting, head into the restroom area or a room with extra space. If you are “out and about” it gets a bit more challenging. Go to a public restroom and head into an extra-large stall, a handicapped stall or a separate family restroom, if one is available. It is important that the space is big enough for the both of you to move around in and that it is clean. Sometimes you may find a restroom with an extra large changing table
    • Make this move discretely, avoiding creating a scene or public affair. If you are around other people, simply say, “Excuse us for a moment, we’ll be right back,” and leave it at that.
    • If you have options, always choose the bathroom stall with extra handrails and/or purse shelves (for changing supplies).[2]
  3. Maintain privacy. Always lock the bathroom door behind you. If there are people standing outside of the bathroom area, feel free to ask them to give you some space as well. Likewise, if you are in a public space, use hushed tones when completing the change. Do not complain aloud or you will further frazzle and embarrass the teenager.
  4. Set up the supplies. If you are out, you should carry a sturdy diaper bag that contains the following: diapers, disposable underpads, wipes, barrier skin cream, a pair of gloves, and hand sanitizer. Unpack these items and place them nearby for the changing process. If the teenager is able, you might ask them to assist by holding the wipes or the fresh diaper.[3]
    • The disposable underpad is just one of many options to provide a barrier between the teen and the changing surface. Underpads are waterproof, thin, and bed-sized, however, they can be costly. Other options are a folded shower curtain or waterproof picnic blanket. Finally you can make a thin but padded changing mattress covered in soft vinyl that can be folded or rolled so it is suitable for travelling with your teen.
    • It is easy to forget, or run out, of one of these necessary items. Every time before you go out, do a quick inventory of your diaper bag to make sure you have what you may need.
    • If you are in a public restroom and cannot set out the items, leave them in the bag and pull them out and put them back as needed. The fewer supplies that are contaminated with germs, the better.
  5. Make any room adjustments. If you need to move something to make additional room on the floor in a room, do so. Pay attention to the temperature as well. You do not want the room to be too hot or too cold as it will make the changing process all the more uncomfortable. Adjust the thermostat if you can and if it is necessary.
  6. Prepare for the changing position. If your teen is not able to stand up independently or has soiled the diaper heavily then you will need to set up the room for a laying down change. For a laying down change, place an underpad on the ground or on a bed, if available. If a changing table is available make sure the plastic cover on the changing pad is clean by using a wipe. For seated, place the underpad on a chair seat or bench. For standing, place the underpad on the ground with reach access to a wall, if needed for support.

Removing the Soiled Diaper

  1. Sanitize. Your next step should be to wash your hands or use hand sanitizer. Many people will also prefer to put on latex gloves at this point. The goal is to prevent the spreading of germs from you to the teen and vice versa.[4]
  2. Change in a standing position. This is generally the best option for teens as it is the least stressful and usually the quickest. This position also requires very little space, making it a good choice for small restrooms and other cramped areas. Start by putting an underpad on the ground, ask the teen to stand on the underpad, then pull down their pants until they are bunched around their ankles.[5]
    • You will want to release the diaper side-tabs, holding the diaper in place while using the other hand to wipe clean the area, starting at the back. Once the back area is clean you can pull down the diaper, use a fresh wipe to clean the front area, and place all dirty wipes inside the soiled diaper for disposal.
    • If the teen needs support standing, they can grab a handrail (if available), use a walker, touch the wall or grip your shoulders for balance.
    • If you think the diaper is heavily soiled, use caution in this position as it will be easier to get clothing dirty or make a mess in general.
  3. Change in a sitting position. This is a changing option in areas where seating is provided (i.e. family restroom benches) or in situations where the teen can lift themselves up from a seated position (in a wheelchair, for example), but are not fully capable of standing independently. Start by having the teen sit on a pre-placed underpad. If they are already seated, have them lift up briefly and scoot it under them. Have them raise up again to remove all lower clothing.
    • To remove the diaper while the teen is seated, have them stay seated as you release the diaper side tabs. Then, ask them to lift up. As they are lifted pull the diaper down toward the seat and wipe the back area, then the front. Pull out the diaper from under them and place all wipes within it, if you haven’t done so already.
    • Be aware that sitting position does require a degree of upper-body control on the part of the teen. However, they can always rest seated directly on the underpad between movements, if needed.
  4. Change in a lying down position. This option can make teens feel very vulnerable and potentially embarrassed because they are diapered just like a baby in that position. However, for those teens with severely limited mobility or in case of soiling accidents, this is the best option - and also some teens prefer to be changed laying down because they are used from early childhood to have their diaper changed in this position. Starting by helping the teen to the floor, to the changing table (if available) or to the bed (if changing in a room), where they will lay upon the underpad. Remove their lower clothes completely - including plastic pants if they wear those for extra protection. Release the diaper tapes, pulling it loose, but not off.
    • To clean the most effectively in this position, gently push the teen’s knees chest-ward by applying pressure with your forearm behind the knees. You can also ask the teen to help by lifting their legs as high as they can. Then, wipe clean from front to back, placing used wipes in the diaper that is now released but still under them. When done, pull the soiled diaper out.[3]
    • When removing the clothes look for signs that the diaper has leaked. In case of wet or soiled clothes replace those with clean ones. In case of dirty plastic pants change those too. Put all wet or dirty clothes in a plastic bag.

Putting on a New Diaper

  1. Be sure the teen's bottom is clean. Regardless of position, use as many wipes as you need to in order to make them completely clean. If possible, have them help with their own cleaning needs.
    • When you are done cleaning, place the soiled wipes within the soiled diaper and fold it up for disposal.
    • Make sure to wipe the teen from front to back. This prevents the spread of fecal bacteria and is especially important when changing teen girls.[3]
  2. Apply skin cream. After you have finished cleaning, rub a zinc-based skin cream around the skin covered by the diaper. This will prevent chafing and rashes, especially in those teens who always wear diapers. This is an especially intimate step, so teens who are able may want to do this themselves.[6]
    • Some brands of diaper cream now sell aerosol cans to make application easier and cleaner. Your teen may prefer this option since you would not need to use your hands to apply the cream.
    • If you see a diaper rash that is dark red or heavily raised you may want to seek the advice of a doctor. Long-term rashes can get infected and lead to other health problems.
  3. Put on the new diaper and clothing. Grab and unfold your fresh diaper and pull it up between their legs, securing it at both sides by fastening the tapes. When you are done, place their lower garments back on as they were before.
    • In the standing position, you will need to use one hand to hold the diaper in place and another to secure the tabs. In the sitting position, you will need to have the teen raise up in order to place the fresh diaper between their legs and secure it. In the laying down position, you will want to keep their knees bent as you place the diaper, releasing them after it is in place, then you secure the tabs.
    • You want the diaper to be form-fitting without any gaps around the legs or waist. Make sure that it does not impede movement. You might ask, “How does this feel? Is it too tight or okay?”
  4. Dispose of anything soiled. Place the soiled diaper in the trash or in a diaper bin. Dispose of any wipes that may have fallen on the floor or elsewhere during the process. Look over the area to make sure that it appears the same as it did when you arrived.
  5. Wash your hands again. When you are finished it is even more important to wash your hands or use hand sanitizer, even if you were wearing gloves. It is also a good idea to ask the teen to wash their hands as well.
  6. Pack up your supplies. Make sure that you packed everything back up into the diaper bag if you are out in public. It is very easy to forget wipes, for example, in a rush to get out of the restroom. Ask the teen to help you look around by saying, “Do you see anything I’ve missed-are we good to go?”

Managing Any Challenges

  1. Stay calm. To relax you both, you might say, “Stay calm, it will all be okay.” Or, “Trust me, we’ve done this many times before.” If a teen refuses to leave for a diaper change, it may also help to set a time limit on resistance, such as, “Okay, I see that you are busy, so we can wait for a bit, but come see me in five minutes.”[7]
    • If you feel the need to lash out or say something negative, take a deep breath and count to five.
  2. Empathize. Recognize that your teen may be embarrassed by the diapering process. You can lessen some of these social issues by changing your teen only in private spaces, such as bathrooms. Don’t talk openly about your teen’s diapering needs and be tactful about telling your teen that it is time for a change.
    • It might be helpful to ask the teen if they have any suggestions that may improve the process and lessen their anxiety or embarrassment. For example, “I think we should put your supplies in this backpack, does that provide enough privacy for you? Do you have any other ideas?”
  3. Counter physical resistance. A teenager might resist the entire diapering process. If so, be prepared for this challenge by reminding yourself to stay calm and in control. Resist the desire to physically restrain them, or to spank, as it will only cause more problems in the future.
    • You might channel the teen’s aggression into the diapering process by asking them to assist with preparing the supplies or the room. You could say, “Look how strong you are, could you use some of your strength to help me do this? It will go much faster.”
    • Tell the teen that you are only trying to help them and that it is not okay for them to hurt you in the process. You might say, “I know that you are frustrated and I understand, but you trying to hit me is wrong and you need to stop.” If you feel physically in danger, stop the diapering process and try again after a 15-minute cool down period.
  4. Offer positive reinforcement. If a teen usually resists changing, be sure to offer praise if everything goes smoothly. At the end of the change, you might observe, “Thank you so much for helping out! Did you notice how quick that went?”[8]
    • You may want to offer an incentive for cooperative behavior in the future. For example, say, “If we have a week with no arguments over diaper changes, we will go out to your favorite restaurant.”
    • Try to change the diapering situation into a positive situation for both you and your teen. Use the time to talk about everything else than the diaper change. It is important not to show any signs of frustrations about having a teen who is still using diapers. However, it can be very difficult to keep up the positive attitude when you have to change diaper on a teen who has soiled his diaper heavily - but try hard even in that case to create a positive diapering situation for your teen.
  5. Ask for help. You may not be able to complete the changing process on your own, especially if your teen physically resists. If this happens, ask the teen for help and then reach out to others, if necessary. For example, when changing at home you may call-out to other family members. However, this is a last-resort as it violates the privacy of the teen.


  • It is not necessary to double-diaper your teen. Most will only wet through one diaper every few hours.
  • Move efficiently when you change a diaper. Teens will often see changes as disruptions to their routine activities and will want to be changed as quickly and discreetly as possible.
  • If your teen has frequent heavy wetting accidents or soiling accidents it is a good idea to add a pair of plastic pants as an extra precaution against leakage. It can also reduce the smell following a soiling accident.
  • At home always perform diaper changes in the same room and have all required supplies for the diapering process located easy in hand at one place. Try to create a safe and stress-free diapering environment at home and try to make the diaper changes to a normal part of the daily life in the house. If your teen requires a changing table/bench have it located in a room where visitors will have no access and where your teens privacy can be secured during his/her diaper changes. Have clean diapers and clothing stored in the same room and buy a good large diaper pail for the wet and dirty diapers. Make sure that the room is ventilated after use to avoid bad smell.
  • If your teen will require diapering well into the future (due to medical needs or otherwise), try to teach them to perform some of the steps themselves. They can gather the materials or take care of the clean-up, for example. This will help you to transition away from parent-directed diaper changes to a more independent model.
  • When the teen is diaper-free, you can donate any remaining diapers to non-profit organizations that will put them to good use, such as domestic violence shelters.


  • Do not punish or spank your teen for needing diaper changes. Doing so is likely to lead to additional ‘accidents’ and will create negative emotions which will slow down toilet training, if that is an option.
  • Occasionally even teens can have a wetting or soiling accident during their diapering. Be prepared for that event by having a nearby towel to use as an emergency diaper - and always perform diaper changes with your teen securely positioned on a waterproof changing pad. If the accident happens dont blame your teen, stay calm and just handle the situation without making it into a big thing. Your teen will no doubt be very embarrassed about doing it as it is usually considered very babyish to have an accident on the changing table - so dont make it worse by talking a lot about what just happened. If it happens more times ask your teen to give a warning a few seconds before it comes - if they can sense it.
  • Do not show signs of disgust when you are changing a teen with a soiled diaper. Changing a baby with a dirty diaper can be a huge challenge for many people and doing the same on a heavily soiled teenager can be seen as an unbearably large challenge. However, after some time you will almost get used to do it and it will become a daily routine - just like it does if you have a baby
  • Be aware that some people take offense at the very word “diaper” when used in connection with a teenager or adult. Instead, the preferred term is “briefs.”[2]
  • The desire to wear diapers by a teenager can be associated with “paraphilic infantilism.” If you believe this is the case or if your teen also suffers from depression or anxiety, you may want to discuss the situation with a medical professional.[9]

Things You’ll Need

  • Diapers
  • Barrier skin cream
  • Underpad or other waterproof pad
  • Diaper bag
  • Wipes
  • Latex gloves
  • Hand sanitizer

Related Articles

  • Make Diaper Changes Less Unpleasant
  • Know if You've Become Addicted to Wearing Diapers (As an Adult)
  • Stop an Adult Disposable Diaper Addiction
  • React when Your Teenager Is Wearing Diapers
  • Change a Diaper in Public
  • Dispose of Diapers

Sources and Citations