Change a Stuck Lightbulb

If an incandescent light bulb with a standard (medium screw-base) gets stuck in the socket or breaks while you are trying to remove it, follow these steps to remove the light bulb.


  1. Danger! Do not break compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs)! These bulbs contain toxic mercury vapor which is extremely hazardous to the health of humans and pets. Do not use this method to remove CFLs.
  2. Find the circuit breaker and turn it off! Or, in the case of lamps, unplug it from the electrical socket. Do not continue until this step is complete.
  3. Get a standard wooden broomstick, an extension pole for a paint-roller, or any wooden pole that is about an inch (25 mm) in diameter will work also.
  4. Put newspaper or a box under the socket to collect broken glass.
  5. Cover the light bulb with a large, thick towel or cloth, and tap it gently to break the glass. A burlap sack works best for this.
  6. The pole will fit nicely into the medium screw base.
  7. Unscrew the base from the socket -- the socket should stick to the pole.


  • If the above fails, an insulated pair of pliers is great for standard sockets. Just take extra care not to damage the socket itself.
  • Alternatively, you can use a potato cut in half. Leave some of the broken glass on the bulb, press the potato against the glass (the "meat" side) and turn. The end of a carrot will also work.


  • Turn the circuit off or unplug the fixture. The wires hanging out of a broken lamp can shock you.
  • Be careful of the broken shards of glass. It might be useful to wear heavy duty rubber gloves to protect your hands. Wear safety glasses to protect your eyes from particles of glass and debris.
  • Only break standard incandescent bulbs. It is hazardous to break compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs) because they contain toxic mercury vapor.
  • Check the EPA website for information on the grave hazards of broken mercury bulbs.
  • Only use a wooden pole.

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