Charm a Wiccan Staff or Wand

This article explains how to apply magical properties to your staff and/or wand. For those practicing witchcraft, a wand/staff of your own is ideal, as it is charged to the utmost level of your own personal energy. This article shows the basic steps to take when completing the charming of your wand to strengthen its energies and complete the process.


  1. Charm it physically. Stones and charms are a personal touch to your wand that will strengthen its energy and add more meaning for you, strengthening its magic. You may want to hang stones from it. Choose stones which have energies you admire, and that feel right for you, rather than stones that look pretty. Charms such as moons or stars are also a nice touch, or perhaps beads in significant colors.
  2. Give it your name. Carve your initials into your wand/staff. Carving is a better idea than simply painting them on. Your name on your wand symbolizes it as a tool of your own energies and inner magic and again adds more meaning to it. Remember that everything you do in this process must hold personal meaning for you; otherwise, it will not work.
  3. Cleanse the wand. You put your own energies into this wand as you created it. Now it is time for cleansing through the elements. Pass your wand through smoke (air and fire) and salted water (water and earth).
  4. Leave it in full moonlight. It is essential that you ensure nobody will disturb it during this process. You can leave it outside, or simply on your windowsill. Touch the wand often to charge it with your own energies. If you wish, you may want to apply holy water or essential oil to it; remember that this is a personal ceremony for you and therefore you can do what you want to ensure it holds meaning for you and make it more efficient.
  5. Remember that "you" are the power of the wand. Your wand contains "your" energies, "your" own inner magic and while it is a powerful and useful tool, don't forget that ultimately, you hold your own power within yourself. A wand is not essential for magic; it is simply a useful tool.


  • Making a wand or staff from scratch ensures a more personal touch and your own energies. Buying one does not.
  • Make sure where you place the staff/wand it gets frequent moonlight.
  • Remember to touch the wand/staff often.
  • It can look pretty! You can decorate it with your charms, stones, wrappings, etc. Just remember to choose adornments because they symbolize something, not for the sole purpose of making something attractive.

Things You'll Need

  • Staff/Wand
  • Calendar
  • Holy water (optional)
  • Carving tool
  • Charms/beads/wrappings (optional)

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