Make a Wiccan Wand

Want to have a Wiccan Wand? Don't have enough money to buy one? Follow these instructions to have your own magical wand.


  1. Find a well-grown tree with many branches. (It is traditional to use oak, willow, or ash wood.)
  2. Ask the tree if you can use one of its branches for a wand. Meditate a while to receive an answer. If you feel guilt, the tree said 'No'. You must find another tree. If not, it said 'Yes'.
  3. Carefully cut a sturdy branch using a sharp knife called a boline which is a traditional Wiccan ritual tool. Make sure to make a clean, straight cut.
  4. Thank the tree for its sacrifice. Add an offering such as cornmeal, fruit, or just water.
  5. Sand off the bark leaves, and stubs to get a smooth surface all around.
  6. Use a sharp knife to whittle a handle. This can be elaborate designs, or simply a straight line.
  7. Carve runes into the wand, saying the properties of the rune as you sketch it.
  8. Add a pointed crystal at the tip, gluing it down using super glue. Quartz works best.
  9. Glue one of your hairs to the wand's tip to infuse your power in it.
  10. Now, the rest is optional. Some Wiccans paint their wands, add clay, yarn, or ribbon.
  11. You can also have it blessed or infuse memories into it during meditation.


  • If you have any pets, add their fur or feathers to the wand, infusing it with the animal's energy.
  • Wrap the wand to prevent any damage that can hurt it.
  • Blessing the wand after creating it is important. This can be done by sprinkling Blessed water on the wand under the light of a full moon. Then letting it soak in the moonlight for a few hours.
  • You can also use a stick already on the ground.
  • You have to believe.
  • When getting rid of the little stump part, do not use a razor blade.


  • Be careful to not cut yourself in the process of your carving. Always work away from yourself. This way you are less likely to cut yourself.

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