Cheat at Drawing

Need to improve your art skills? But don't have that much time? Easily you can cheat using various image websites.


  1. Find a photograph or drawing you like. Find good art websites, such as deviantART. It is best to find an artist who is not very popular or you can easily be reported for a Copyright Violation.
    • If you don't want to illegally copy images, get an image that is in the public domain. This is better than doing something illegal, and easier. Try using Google Images, or Bing.
  2. Trace. If you have a flat-screen monitor that can move and swivel, open up the image and orient a piece of paper over the image on the monitor. With a pencil or other marker that does not bleed through the paper onto the screen, trace the lines carefully. Check frequently to ensure your lines and details are matching up. If the artwork you want is on paper, you can trace the image with a light behind it, like a sunny window or a photography light box. It's a box with a transparent top to work on and a light underneath.
  3. Modify. It doesn't make it your own picture but get some practice drawing by making small adjustments. Eventually, you will get the hang of drawing and might be able to do it without tracing.


  • Don't submit traced/copied artwork as your own to any competitions or art websites. Not only is this dishonest, it is also illegal.
  • Trace or copy only for practice. If you want to be a serious artist, focus on creating your original artwork. You don't have to show anyone if you don't think it's good enough.
  • Look up tutorials for drawing online to buff up basic skills such as anatomy and shading.
  • Choose a drawing that is simple and easy to trace then work your way up.
  • Don't do this too often or you'll lose your drawing skills.


  • It is illegal to submit another person's artwork as your own. It is called a copyright violation and your art will be removed if on the internet and disqualified if in a competition.

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