Draw the Star of David

The star of David, also known as the "Hebrew Star", is basically two triangles on top of each other. This article will show you how to draw this star.


Starting with an Upside Down Triangle

  1. Draw an upside down triangle. It should be relatively close to the bottom of your paper.
  2. Draw another triangle. It should be intersecting the first one, and should be right side up.
  3. Draw a border. You can do this by drawing parallel lines next to all of the original lines. Make sure they're parallel.
  4. Erase the inner lines. You can either make it complicated, or just simply erase all the inner lines. But make sure you erase your lines neatly.
  5. Color it in. Since Israel's national colors are blue and white, these are recommended.

Starting with a Regular Triangle

  1. Draw a triangle normal, pointing up.
  2. Draw another Triangle, this one pointing down. The two should overlap so it forms a six-pointed star.
  3. Erase the lines inside the star.
  4. Color the star.


  • You can make this with paper by cutting two triangles out and (one facing up, one facing down) cut and interlock the two triangles
  • If you prefer, you may draw the right-side-up triangle first.
  • You don't have to color or erase the lines
  • One may also start out by drawing a hexagon. Skip the last step 8. Instead of connecting the nearest points one connects the one but nearest points. These lines constitute the star which is then completely symmetrical.
  • Consider colouring in your drawing.
  • Experiment with borders, some are cooler than others.
  • The border is optional.
  • Another method is to Draw a Hexagon and then connect every other angle to form a triangle, and then again connecting every other angle that you skipped before to form an opposing triangle creating, the Star of David.

Things You'll Need

  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Ruler...triangular ruler works the best

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