Check Your Blood Pressure

High blood pressure (HBP) can be a cause for concern for many people. There are few symptoms of high (or low) blood pressure until the problem becomes quite severe, so it’s important to check your blood pressure regularly. This is especially true if you are older, or if you have any of the other risk factors like smoking or a family history of high blood pressure. There are several machines you can use to check your blood pressure – like a manual blood pressure reader, a wrist blood pressure monitor, or a blood pressure machine in your local pharmacy. However, the most accurate way to check your blood pressure is to contact your doctor for a blood pressure reading.


Checking Your Blood Pressure Manually

  1. Avoid temporarily raising your blood pressure. When you check your blood pressure, there are quite a few factors that can cause your numbers to temporarily rise. Things like stress, smoking, and caffeine can make your blood pressure rise right before a reading. It’s best to avoid these things for at least twenty minutes before you plan to check your blood pressure.[1]
    • Other elements can also cause a temporary increase in your blood pressure, such as exercise, cold temperatures, a full bladder, a full stomach, or certain medications.
  2. Learn to use a blood pressure cuff. If you want to check your blood pressure at home using a manual pump cuff monitor, you’ll need to purchase one and familiarize yourself with it. Most cuff monitors consist of the cuff with a center arrow for proper positioning that wraps around your arm, a gauge that indicates the BP reading, a rubber tube that connects the gauge to the cuff, and a bulb that you squeeze to inflate the cuff.[2]
    • You should be able to purchase one at a pharmacy or medical supply store.
  3. Secure the cuff on your arm. Remove any clothing items that cover your upper arms and wrap the cuff around your arm, placing it at the main artery. Find this artery by tracing a line from your pinky finger to just above your elbow. Center the cuff’s arrow with this artery. Make sure your arm is supported and your palm is face-up, otherwise your blood pressure monitor may show an incorrect reading. With the cuff fully deflated, fasten the cuff snugly around your arm with the Velcro strap.[3]
    • The stethoscope head should be placed over the main artery in your arm at the inner bend of your elbow.
  4. Inflate the cuff. Use the manual hand pump to inflate the cuff while it is securely in place on your upper arm. Squeezing the hand pump will send air into the cuff and cause it to inflate. You may have to squeeze the pump quite a few times.[4]
    • Keep inflating the cuff until the gauge reads approximately 30 points (mm Hg) higher than your expected systolic pressure number (the top number).
    • Be sure to keep your cuffed arm level and parallel with the ground during the entire inflation and reading process.
  5. Deflate the cuff and listen. As you start deflating the cuff, listen for the heartbeat with the stethoscope at the main artery. As you are listening, slowly deflate the cuff with arrow on the gauge going down at about 2-3 mm of mercury per second by turning the air release valve counterclockwise.[1]
    • Try to turn the valve very slowly, otherwise it could ruin your entire reading and make you start over again.
    • Keep your eyes on the gauge while you deflate the cuff.
  6. Take the reading. Once you hear the first beat, note the number on the gauge; this is your systolic number. Continue to listen until the heartbeat disappears. Note the point at which you can no longer hear any heartbeat, this is your diastolic pressure number.[5]
    • Keep consistently deflating the cuff as you listen for these two points.
    • Once you acquire the systolic and diastolic readings, deflate the cuff completely and remove it from your arm, as continuous cuff inflation can result in numbness and tingling in the arm

Checking Your Blood Pressure With Devices

  1. Wear a wrist monitor. Purchase a wrist blood pressure cuff and read the instructions carefully. Strap the cuff onto your wrist and turn the machine on. Press the button that initiates the reading and wait for it to inflate. Keep your arm level on a table in front of you while the wrist monitor is working.[6]
    • When the process is over, the cuff will automatically deflate and the reading will flash on the screen.
    • You should be able to purchase a wrist monitor relatively inexpensively at your local pharmacy store.
  2. Use a blood pressure machine at a local store. Find a blood pressure machine and follow the instructions on it. These types of machines typically require you to insert your arm, remain motionless while the machine inflates, and then wait for the reading. The cuff will automatically deflate when the reading is complete and you can remove your arm.[7]
    • Most pharmacies have these types of machines, including pharmacies inside grocery stores.
    • Make sure you take a minute or two to calm down and rest before you take your blood pressure reading.
  3. Go to the doctor. The most accurate way to check your blood pressure is to have it checked by a medical professional. Make an appointment with your regular doctor and tell the nurse (or the doctor) that you are interested in finding out more about your blood pressure reading.[8]
    • Some of the other machine methods may have a wider degree of variance than getting your blood pressure checked by a medical professional.

Knowing When to Check Your Blood Pressure

  1. Monitor your blood pressure if you have risk factors. Some factors contribute to the risk of higher blood pressure, which can require closer monitoring. If you have a family history of high blood pressure, you may want to consider monitoring your blood pressure at home.[9]
    • Some additional risk factors include pregnancy, smoking, age (older people tend to be at higher risk for high blood pressure), gender (men seem to have more problems with HBP), and race (African-Americans tend to develop HBP more often than other races).
  2. Check your pressure at home if you have anxiety. Many people who suffer from anxiety get nervous at the doctor’s office. This can lead to artificially high blood pressure readings, whereas if you monitored from home your readings would be much lower.[10]
    • This is often called “white coat” hypertension.
  3. Check your blood pressure in both arms. Alternate arms when checking your blood pressure, rather than always checking it on one side. A normal difference of 5-10 mm Hg exists between the arms, but anything greater than that can suggest circulatory problems.
  4. Get a diagnosis from your doctor. The best way to determine whether or not you need to monitor your blood pressure is to get a diagnosis for high or low blood pressure from your doctor. Your doctor will be able to determine a course of action with you.[11]
    • Your doctor may prescribe you medication and will tell you often you need to check your own blood pressure.

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