Treat Low Blood Pressure

Hypotension is low blood pressure. Low blood pressure can occur if you stand up too quickly, but it also can be caused by medication or underlying conditions. Many people have low blood pressure and have no symptoms. However, if you experience dizziness, fainting, fatigue, or nausea, you should contact your doctor. To treat low blood pressure, go to the doctor to determine if you need to change your medication or treat an underlying condition. You can also make diet and lifestyle changes.


Treating Hypotension Medically

  1. Go to the doctor. There are many underlying causes for low blood pressure. Treatments vary and are determined by the underlying condition. Your doctor will perform a physical exam. They will also need a complete medical history and a detailed description of your symptoms.[1]
    • A full blood count should be done by the doctor. This should include cholesterol, B12, and hemoglobin.
    • Try and have a few blood pressure readings to show your doctor. Take your blood pressure yourself or at any pharmacy. Take your blood pressure while sitting, lying down, and standing to see if there are differences depending on your position.
  2. Talk to your doctor about changing your medicine. You should tell your doctor about all of the medicines you take. Many medications cause low blood pressure, and combinations of certain medicines can also cause low blood pressure. Ask your doctor if they think your medication is causing the low blood pressure. The doctor may decide to change your medication or adjust your dosage.[2]
  3. Take medication to raise your blood pressure. Depending on the reason for the low blood pressure, your doctor may be able to prescribe medication that can raise your blood pressure. Fludrocortisone, midodrine, and erythropoietin are commonly prescribed for hypotension.[3]
    • This is usually prescribed to treat orthostatic hypotension, which is a condition where you get low blood pressure from standing up after sitting or lying down. This is a treatable condition but requires the documentation of repeated blood pressure readings to confirm.
  4. Treat underlying conditions. Low blood pressure is often caused by underlying conditions. If your doctor has diagnosed a cause for the low blood pressure, they need to treat the underlying condition. Sometimes, treating the underlying conditions can treat the blood pressure problems.[4]
    • Underlying conditions include heart conditions, anemia, diabetes, very low cholesterol, and obesity, neurological conditions like Parkinson’s, and thyroid disorders.[5]
    • People who diet too heavily, those who have removed all starches from their diet, and those who suffer from anorexia nervosa are prone to hypotension.
    • Hypotension can also be a subtle sign of some bleeding. This could include heavy periods, stomach cancers, bleeding peptic ulcers, and more.

Treating Hypotension through Diet

  1. Stay hydrated. Drinking fluids can help keep you hydrated so that your blood will pump through your body and help keep your blood pressure up. Water is always a good way to stay hydrated. You can also drink sports drinks that contain sodium and potassium.[6]
    • Avoid drinking alcohol because it will dehydrate you.
  2. Increase the amount of salt in your diet. Salt can help keep your blood pressure elevated by helping with the retention of fluids. Talk to your doctor about adding salt to your diet. Never add salt to your diet if you have hypotension without a doctor’s recommendation.[6]
  3. Add more B vitamins to your diet. Anemia, which can be caused by a lack of red blood cells, can lead to low blood pressure. Low B12, especially in elderly and very thin people, can cause hypotension. Certain B vitamins can help you produce red blood cells and increase your blood pressure. Consider increasing your intake of foods full of vitamin B12 and folate.[7]
    • B12 can be found in meats, such as beef liver, grass-fed beef, sardines, tuna, salmon, shellfish, and lamb. You can also find it in dairy products, like cottage cheese, eggs, and raw milk.[8]
    • B12 can also be given in monthly shots or taken in supplement form. However, the uptake time of B12 found in supplements is very slow.
    • Folate can be found in beans and lentils. Green vegetables also have folate. Try spinach and other dark leafy greens, asparagus, lettuce, and broccoli. You can also find folate in avocados and cauliflower.[9]
  4. Eat small, low carb meals. Eating smaller meals more frequently through the day can help reduce dizziness and keep your blood pressure level. Make your meals low in carbohydrates. Don’t try to do too much after the meals. Rest and take it easy so your blood pressure doesn’t drop.[10]

Treating Hypotension with Lifestyle Changes

  1. Sit down when you feel faint. Low blood pressure commonly causes fainting, lightheadedness, and dizziness. Knowing when you may faint can help you deal with the symptoms before you faint. When you start to feel light-headed, sit down and place your head between your knees.[1]
    • You can also lie down when you feel faint.
  2. Move around slowly. Standing up too fast can cause your blood pressure to drop, which can lead to dizziness, lightheadedness, or fainting. If you know you have low blood pressure, you should make sure to always stand up slowly.[4]
    • When you are lying, sitting, or standing for too long, your blood pressure can drop. Move very slowly when you are transitioning from any of these positions.
    • Make sure to stand up slowly when you first wake up in the morning. You can sit on the end of the bed and rotate your ankles and move your feet. Do the same with your wrists and hands before you stand up.
  3. Keep the blood circulating in your legs. The blood circulating through the legs helps keep your blood pressure at a normal level. Your doctor may recommend that you use compression socks or stockings. These items apply pressure to your lower legs, which helps blood circulate through your body.[6]
    • You should also avoid crossing your legs when you are sitting down. This can cut off the circulation in your legs, which can lower your blood pressure.
  4. Increase the amount of time you are upright. If you have a medical condition that keeps you lying for long periods of time, your blood pressure may drop when you sit up or stand. Try to slowly increase the amount of time that you sit upright and stand to get used to it.[1]
  5. Stay cool. Being too hot can make your blood pressure drop. Stay cool and out of the heat. Place fans around your room and keep the thermostat at a cool temperature. Avoid direct sunlight if possible.[11]
    • Don’t take hot baths or showers. The hot water can cause your blood pressure to drop. Instead, take lukewarm baths.
  6. Exercise regularly. Staying physical and exercising helps your circulation by getting your blood to flow and strengthening your heart. Cardio workouts help exercise your heart. Yoga poses and routines help improve your circulation.[12]
    • Make sure to talk to your doctor before starting a new exercise plan if you have blood pressure problems.

Sources and Citations