Check a Driving Record in California
In California, you can pull your own driving record easily, by visiting a DMV field office or applying online. If you need an officially certified copy of your driving record, however, fill out form INF 1125 and mail it to the DMV headquarters in Sacramento. You can also check another person's driving record for certain legally-sanctioned purposes, such as hiring drivers. To request someone else's record, fill out form INF 70. Fees for driving records vary by the type of request, but range from $2 to $20.
Checking Your Own Record
- Visit a DMV field office. Show proof of identity, such as your driver's license or state ID card, and say that you want a copy of your driving record. This can be the simplest and fastest way to get the information you want.
- There are numerous DMV field offices in California. If you aren't sure where the closest one is, visit the California DMV's website at where you can find a list and map of offices, or search for one by ZIP code.
- There will be a $5.00 fee for the copy of your driving record.
- Register to become a certified DMV user if you want to order online. Go to the California DMV website and click “Register” in the upper right corner. You will be asked to create a user ID and password, and to fill in some basic information, like your date of birth. This allows you to become a certified user.
- Being a certified user gives you secure access to a number of DMV services online, including checking driving records.
- File online if you want to view the record for personal use. Once you have registered with the DMV, you can sign in to the agency's website and request a copy of your driving record from your user account. However, you will only be able to view the record online, or print it on your own, for personal use. This copy of your record will not count as official or certified.
- Online requests are $2.00, payable by credit card or e-check.
- The fee for online requests is lower because they only provide unofficial copies of driving records.
- Complete form INF 1125 if you want official certification. An official copy of your driving record will be mailed to you after you complete this form. You can find the form by looking for “INF 1125” using the search box on top right of the California DMV's website.
- The form will prompt you to provide your contact information, driver's license number, and birthdate.
- Sign the form when you are done.
- Include a check for the required fee of $5.00.
- Mail the completed form to: Department of Motor Vehicles PO Box 944247 MS G199 / Sacramento, CA 94244-2470
Pulling Someone Else's Record
- Get form INF 70 from the California DMV's website. Go to Enter “INF 70” in the search box on the top right of the website, and you will be able to retrieve this form.
- Provide information on yourself and the driver whose record you are requesting. Form INF 70 will prompt you to provide your name, address, and telephone number. You will also need to provide the name and driver's license number or date of birth for the person whose record you want to request.
- Decide if you want an automated record or a photocopy. Automated records are computer-generated and cost $5. Photocopied records are $20 because they take more time. However, they also include a copy of the person's photo and driver's license or state ID application.
- Include the respective fee, paid by check or money order, with your completed application.
- Describe the purpose of your request. Records can only be requested for certain legally approved purposes. You will need to include a brief description of your purpose on form INF 70. The most common reasons records are requested include:
- Matters related to motor vehicle safety or theft
- Legitimate business activities, such as verifying the accuracy of information provided by a contractor
- Criminal, civil, or arbitration proceedings
- Insurance matters
- Having employees who are required to drive as part of their employment
- Sign and mail your completed form. Include your signature and the date at the bottom of the first page of INF 70. This certifies that the information provided on the form is true and accurate. Enclose your payment, and mail the completed form to:
- Department of Motor Vehicles Public Operations — G199
- P.O. Box 944247
- Sacramento, CA 94244-2470