Choose Your First Linux Distribution
Choosing a Linux distribution can be a daunting task, especially if you have unusual hardware.
- Consider your hardware, especially your Internet connection. Try to find something that supports the specs of your computer and everything you have.
- If this is your first time using Linux consider trying Ubuntu or OpenSuSE.
- A distribution is basically a customized Linux kernel with a unique collection of software, almost always containing GNU tools (hence the name, GNU/Linux). A good distribution will have a compiler and linker (like GCC), a desktop environment, support for most hardware, and a packaging system (RPM, TGZ, DEB, etc.). Consider the other software you would like. Websites like offer a comprehensive and up to date list of virtually all Linux distributions available.
- One of the best ways to find a flavor of Linux that's just right for you and your hardware is a LiveDistro which allows you to boot and run on your hardware before you decide to install it! Some (like Puppy Linux) even allow you to save to disc or USB if you have no hard drive installed.
- If you're on dial-up, don't attempt to download distributions. Instead, either buy them online or buy or borrow a Linux book with a distribution included.
- It's also a very good idea to check the distribution's homepage and forum. An active forum ensures a good source of help if problems should arise!
- If you download a distribution use the md5sum command to verify that your program is "correct." Some linux websites like Ubuntu even provide guides on how to run the md5sum command on the iso file.
- Burn the image file (.iso) "as an image" (not as a data disc) with disc authoring software (InfraRecorder or Nero)
- If everything went well, you now have a bootable LiveDistro. The only thing you need to do now is reinsert the disc you just made and reboot the machine!
- If you are from Windows and new to Linux, go for KDE. If you're from Mac or just want to try something different, try GNOME. Older PCs should use Fluxbox, Openbox or XFCE.
- Choose a GNU/Linux distribution a friend uses, so she or he can help you.
- See if Google can find a local Linux User's Group (LUG) in your area. Very often, one will meet on a quarterly, monthly, or even weekly basis, and usually give some support to new users.
- If you know how to program, you can modify GNU/Linux. It is free software, released under the GNU General Public Licence.
- Check the distribution's forum before you download. It can save you a headache later!
- If you have no CD burner, several vendors will sell you an already-burned CD for a fee. Some (for example, Ubuntu) may even send you a CD for free!
- You can partition off your hard drive to have Windows and Linux, but always install Windows first.
- Make sure you back up your files before you install GNU/Linux.
Things You'll Need
- Blank CD-R or CD-RW
- A CD burner
- A working Internet connection (the faster the better)