Reset Forgotten Password in Linux

So you forgot your Linux/Ubuntu/Unix password? No worries, this article will guide you how to reset your Linux password in minutes.


  1. Boot into recovery mode. While your computer is booting, from the boot menu select the "recovery mode" option.
    • Press F8 key in case boot menu doesn't appear.
  2. Select the option 'Drop to root shell prompt'. After the computer boots in to recovery mode, from the Recovery menu select the option 'Drop to root shell prompt'
  3. Type the command. To change the password type the command 'passwd username' and follow the instruction below.
  4. In case of error. There is a possibility that you may get an 'Authentication token manipulations error' as Filesystem state could be 'Read only'. To fix it, type the following command before the first command. mount -rw -o remount

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