Choose a Wedding Chapel in Gatlinburg, Tennessee

Gatlinburg, Tennessee - second only to Las Vegas for the number of weddings that take place each year is a romantic destination at the entrance to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Because of the number of wedding chapels in Gatlinburg and the variety of services each offers, choosing a wedding chapel can be a daunting experience.


  1. Determine the budget for your wedding. There is nothing worse than putting together a package that makes up your dream wedding only to find out you cannot afford it.
  2. Visit several wedding chapels in person if you can. If you cannot visit in person, check them out online. There are several good resources for finding wedding chapels online.
  3. Use Google to search for chapel sites. "Gatlinburg wedding chapel" will turn up a great list.
  4. Speak with the wedding coordinator about important items such as the number of guests the chapel can handle, photography, reception planning, wedding cakes, flowers and lodging.
  5. A video memento of your wedding will be important to you later. Be sure to ask if they offer videos
  6. Look into other options than wedding chapels. Some venues offer all-inclusive packages that would appeal to families and friends who could combine a wedding, vacation, family reunion, etc. These days brides are wanting more than just a 15 minute chapel ceremony and 20 4x6 prints. They want an experience to remember... great photography, pampering, time to relax and enjoy, family time, great food and entertainment.
  7. Make sure that the wedding facility you choose has a website that accurately reflects what they do. Quite a few wedding websites include photos that were taken elsewhere.
  8. Do the research, visit the facility, ask a lot of questions, and go where you feel comfortable with the management.


  • Call the Chamber of Commerce in Gatlinburg for more info

Things You'll Need

  • A Tennessee marriage license

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