Clean Grout Off Tile

Laying tile can lead to an unsightly grout haze or even hardened grout that needs to be cleaned off your tile. Also, the grout in your kitchen and bathroom tiles is a virtual magnet for picking up dirt, mold, and mildew. You can tackle both of these situations with a little elbow grease, products found in your home, and some ingenuity. Before cleaning, test the methods you plan to use on a small portion of your tile and grout first. And once your grout is clean, be sure to take some preventive measures to help keep it looking good.


Removing Grout Haze

  1. Sand it lightly. Use a dry scrubbing sponge or cheesecloth to rub down the tile. Rub the tile until the haze is removed. After you lightly sand the grout off of the tile with the cheesecloth or sponge, vacuum up all of the dust before sealing.[1]
    • Try this method on grout that has not set for long.
    • Don’t wet the sponge or cheesecloth or the dust from the grout will stick to the floor again.
  2. Wipe it with a damp cloth. If your dry sanding method doesn’t work, try rubbing the floor with a damp towel. Wring the towel out well so it’s relatively dry if the grout has just been set. You can use more water for grout that has been set for more than a few days. Let the floor dry before you seal the grout.
    • Use baby wipes for the same results. Don’t wet the baby wipes.[2]
  3. Mop it with vinegar and water. Mix 1 cup (240 mL) of distilled vinegar with 1 quart (.946 L) of warm water. Mop the floor with this solution. Use a scrub brush to clean harder to remove areas. Don’t rinse the vinegar solution off the floor. Allow it to dry completely before sealing.[3]
    • Don’t use vinegar on marble, travertine, or granite.[4]
  4. Remove hardened grout from your tile with sugar. Stir white sugar in warm water in a ratio of one part sugar to ten parts warm water. Sponge this mixture into the hardened grout. Leave it alone for an hour, then scrape the grout off your tile. Keep applying sugar water as needed while you scrape to keep the tile moist.[5]
    • Adjust the ratio of sugar to warm water until you have an effective mixture.
    • Alternatively, you can apply undiluted vinegar to hardened grout to make it easier to scrape the grout off of your tile. Once the grout is removed, rinse the entire area thoroughly with plain water to remove all of the vinegar.

Using with Homemade Cleaners

  1. Use a paste of baking soda and bleach. Make a thick paste from ¾ cup (180 mL) of baking soda with ¼ cup (60 mL) of bleach. Use an old toothbrush or nylon scrubbing brush to work the paste into the grout. Let it sit for 15 minutes, then scrub it. Allow it to sit another 15 minutes, then wipe it off with a damp rag. Frequently rinse out the rag with water as you’re wiping off the paste.[6]
    • Wear gloves when cleaning with bleach.
    • Open a window or wear a respirator to protect your nose, throat, and lungs.
    • Protect your eyes with safety glasses.
    • Wear old clothes that can get bleached.
  2. Clean with baking soda and vinegar. Rub baking soda into the grout with your finger. Make it stickier by combining water with the baking soda until you have a thick paste. Next, fill a spray bottle with vinegar and spray vinegar all over the baking soda. Let the mixture bubble for a few minutes, then scrub it with an old toothbrush or nylon scrubbing brush. Wipe up the solution with a damp rag that you rinse frequently.[7]
  3. Scrub it with coarse salt. Wet the grout and surrounding tiles with a damp sponge. Sprinkle it with a coarse salt, then scrub the salt into the grout with a toothbrush or nylon scrubbing brush. Allow the salt to dry overnight, then rinse it off in the morning.[8]
    • Scrub with any coarse salt, even Epsom salts.
    • You can use the same method to clean your grout with Borax. Put a damp scrub brush in a bowl of the Borax and use that to scrub the grout.
  4. Clean and lighten the grout with cream of tartar. Combine two teaspoons (9.85 mL) of cream of tartar with enough lemon juice to create a liquidy paste. Rub the paste into the grout, then scrub it with a toothbrush or nylon scrubbing brush. Rinse the paste off with plenty of water.[9]
    • Use water if you don’t have lemon juice.

Cleaning with Other Methods

  1. Steam clean your grout. Rent a steam cleaner if you don’t own one. Use the steam cleaner to remove mold and mildew from your grout. The combination of high heat and pressure are very effective. Don’t use a steam cleaner on enamel or anodized surfaces.[10]
  2. Use oxygen bleach. Mix two cups (480 mL) of powdered oxygen bleach with one gallon (7.57 L) of hot water. Scrub the water and bleach into the grout for five minutes. Next, leave the bleach on the grout for an hour. Finally, scrub for another five minutes and rinse clean.[11]
  3. Try muriatic acid. Slowly pour one cup (240 mL) muriatic acid into one gallon (7.57 L) of water in a bucket. Next, apply the water and acid to the grout with a paint brush and wait a few minutes. Rinse the acid completely off the grout and then neutralize any remaining acid by applying a solution of one cup (240 mL) ammonia and one gallon (7.57 L) of water. Rinse off the ammonia solution thoroughly.[12]
    • Look for hydrochloric acid if you can’t find muriatic acid. They are the same thing.
    • Don’t add water to the acid or you might cause a dangerous reaction.
  4. Clean it with hydrogen peroxide. Combine equal amounts of hydrogen peroxide and water in a spray bottle. Spray this on the grout and let it stand for 15 minutes. Finally, wipe it off. For stubborn stains, keep the solution on overnight.[4]
    • Don’t mix hydrogen peroxide with bleach.

Keeping Your Grout Clean

  1. Remove all cleaners from your floor. Prevent any cleaning solutions from settling in grout on your floor by vacuuming and mopping to thoroughly remove cleaners. Try using a shop vacuum instead of mopping. To do this, put water on your floor and vacuum it up with the shop vac.[13]
  2. Seal it. Every couple of years, maintain your bathroom and kitchen grout and tiles with a sealant. Clean the grout first, make sure it is completely dry, then apply a sealant. Consult with your local hardware store about the right kind of sealant for the tiles you own.[14]
  3. Prevent mold and mildew. Wipe down and dry the tiles in your bathroom and kitchen whenever they are damp, steamy, or wet. This will slow the growth of mold. Also keep your kitchen and bathroom doors and windows open, or use a humidifier or exhaust fan to reduce damp and steam in rooms with tiles.[15]

Sources and Citations