Clean Your Dishwasher With Kool Aid

Lemonade Kool Aid can be used as more than a tangy drink––it can also be put to a second use as a dishwasher cleaner. The citric acid content in it will remove iron stains and lime build-up from inside a dishwasher, leaving it nice and clean for the next round of washes.


  1. Purchase unsweetened lemonade Kool-Aid. It must be this flavor only because of its citric acid content and lack of color. If you like lemonade, buy enough for a drink and a clean!
  2. Sprinkle the entire single package of Kool-Aid into the dishwasher powder holder.
  3. Remove any dishes in the dishwasher. The method should run using an empty machine only.
  4. Run a normal cycle wash. The lemonade Kool-Aid will clean away as it runs through the cycle.
  5. Use the dishwasher as usual after cleaning. It should be free of iron stains and lime deposits after the Kool-Aid clean.


  • If you can't find Kool-Aid in your area, run any sugarless/unsweetened lemonade mix through the machine instead. Use about a tablespoon worth.


  • Do not use a lemonade mix containing sugar. This will leave a sticky residue.
  • Only the lemonade variety should be used; first because it is the only one that works and second, because a red or green streaked dishwasher doesn't look good.

Things You'll Need

  • Lemonade Kool-Aid powder or other unsweetened lemonade powder

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Sources and Citations

  • Inspired by Real Simple magazine.
  • Reader's Digest, Extraordinary Uses for Ordinary Things, p. 194, (2007), ISBN 978-0-7621-0649-3 – research source confirmation of method.