Clean Your Kitchen Floor

Cleaning a kitchen floor is simple with the right supplies. Pick the right cleaner for your floor type. Then, vacuum the floor and apply the cleaner. Let your floor dry and make sure to clean it regularly in the future.


Selecting a Cleaner Based on Floor Type

  1. Use vinegar for most floor types. The majority of floors can be cleaned with a mixture of vinegar and warm water. Place a quarter cup of white vinegar in a 26 ounce (780 mL) water bottle to clean the following floor types:[1]
    • Cork
    • Vinyl
    • Porcelain
  2. Opt for a neutral pH cleaner for stone, hardwood, or bamboo floors. Hardwood, stone, and bamboo floors need a gentle cleanser. Purchase a mild to neutral pH cleaner at a department store. Apply it to your floor as directed on the bottle. Most pH cleaners are diluted with water. About a quarter cup of a pH cleaner (60 mL) mixed with water should adequately clean a bamboo or hardwood floor.[1]
  3. Do not mop waxed wood or laminate floors. If you have a wax wood or laminate floor, mopping is unnecessary. Such floors only need vacuuming and dry mopping to stay clean.[1]
  4. Use a steam cleaner for a very dirty floor. For the most part, you can wash your floor with detergent, warm water, and a rag, mop, or sponge. However, you can use a steam cleaning mop on some occasions. A steam cleaner is a special type of mop that automatically fills with water and your chosen detergent. While steam cleaners are pricier, they tend to remove unseen bacteria better than a conventional mop and bucket. They may also remove set-in stains easier. If your floor is very messy, steam clean your floor with your chosen cleaner.[2]

Vacuuming and Mopping

  1. Vacuum your floor first. Regardless of your floor type, the first step to cleaning your floor is giving it a good vacuuming. On a weekly basis, vacuum and then mop your floor. This will remove any dirt, debris, or hair that may get plastered to the floor during the mopping process. Run your vacuum over the floor, using the upholstery attachment to get into nooks and crannies.[3]
    • While vacuuming provides the most thorough cleaning, it's okay to use a broom and dustpan if you don't have a vacuum cleaner.
  2. Use a dry mop on laminate or wood floors. You can purchase a dry mop at most department stores. If you have a laminate or waxed wood floor, you should not expose it to liquids. Instead, run your dry mop over the floor once a week to remove dirt and stains.[1]
  3. Apply the cleaning product one section at a time. Dilute your cleaner in a spray bottle or bucket. Use a rag, sponge, or mop to clean your floor one section at a time. Get your cleaning tool wet, wring it out slightly, and run the rag, mop, or sponge across the floor to remove any stains or dirty spots.[4]
    • The cleaning utensil is mostly a matter of personal preference. However, microfiber cloths tend to work well on most floor types.
    • Never use an abrasive cleaning tool on any type of kitchen floor. Things like steel wool can damage a kitchen floor.

Finishing Up the Process

  1. Get rid of any set in stains. When you finish cleaning, look for any stains that did not come out with a routine cleaning. Use a butter knife to gently ply any set in gunk off the floor. If any residue is left behind after removing the gunk, wipe it away with your rag and cleaner.[4]
    • Never use anything sharper than a butter knife. Remember, abrasive cleaners can harm your floor.
  2. Let the floor air dry. Stay off the floor until it's completely dry. Most floors will air dry on their own. You do not need to wipe up liquid with a rag or towel.[1]
    • Some floors, however, should never have water sitting on them. If your floor's manufacturer's instructions indicate they should always be free of water, pat these floors dry with paper towels.
  3. Clean your floor regularly. Mark when you cleaned your floor. Strive to clean your floor about once a week to keep it looking clean and fresh.
    • If you wipe up minor spills, like splattered food, as they occur, it's easier to clean your floor during routine mopping.

Sources and Citations

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