Clean a Synthetic Sheepskin Rug

Washing sheepskins - You should hand wash your sheepskins in tepid warm water. You can also have them dry cleaned.


  1. Fill your tub with tepid warm water, and add a small amount of delicate wool wash.
  2. Place your sheepskin in the tub fleece side down and fully immerse in warm water.
  3. Hand wash gently using a slow gentle motion and rinse well in fresh warm water until the water remains clear.
  4. Drain and remove the synthetic sheepskin and gently comb in one direction.
  5. Lay flat, fleece side down. Or hang it to drip dry, but keep out of the sun.
  6. When completely dry use the carding brush to fluff back to normal.


  • Use room temperature water. Wool shrinks if you use water that is too hot. Fill the tub to a temperature where you don't notice any difference in when you put your hand into it (body temperature).
  • Do not use a harsh laundry soap, Woolite or bleach - the gentler the better.
  • Never use hot water or put a synthetic sheepskin in the dryer!
  • Gently use a steel type wool carding brush


  • Do not wash in hot water.
  • Do not use harsh cleaning chemicals

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