Close the Job Interview
First impressions are important in a job interview, but closing the interview is just as, if not more, important. You want to leave your interviewer with a great last impression, a clear indication of your enthusiasm for the position, and a way to contact them to follow up. At the end of an interview, most interviewers will allow you to ask them questions, which is a great opportunity to cast yourself in an impressive light and reinforce your suitability for the position.
Presenting Yourself Appropriately
- Express your enthusiasm about the position. Even if you have already been asked about why you want the job, it’s important to state and restate your interest in the position. Enthusiasm goes a long way. If you show you are enthusiastic about the opportunity, the employer will know that you are worth investing in because you will carry that energy into the job while learning new skills.
- Harp on specific examples of your work that really interest you. If you can start a conversation with your interviewer about the ins and outs of your job you will look like someone who will be ready for work day one.
- Craft your close according to the position you are applying for. If you are going for a sales job, an aggressive close might pay off because you need to be forward and outgoing. For instance, you can ask outright, though politely, “So do I have the job?” or even “So when do I start?”
- If you are applying for an accounting job, you might want to keep it low-key and show humility: “Thank you so much for the opportunity to interview.”
- Offer memorable information about yourself. Instead of simply saying that you’re a good communicator, tell them that you are an incredible basketball player who knows how to take the ball to the hoop, or, in other words, you know how to seal the deal. Give them tidbits of your life that are both impressive and will create a memorable story.
Asking the Interviewer Good Questions
- Ask questions that show you’re interested. It’s important that your questions show you know a little about the company and the work, but that you want to know more. The more interest you show, the more you will receive.
- You can ask really specific questions about the work you will be doing or broader questions about the people you will be working with such as “How would you describe the work culture here?”
- Ask aspirational questions. Ask your interviewer questions that make them imagine you already working for them. For instance, “Imagine I have been working for you for a year and just received a great 1 year review. What did I do right?” This will establish an expectation for yourself, should you get the job, and it will also cause the interviewer to project positive possibilities onto you.
- Avoid questions about benefits. Avoid questions like “How much will I be paid?” “When would you like me to start?” “What sort of vacation do employees get?” “Is health insurance provided?” All of these are important questions that you will want to ask at some point, but will detract from your overall goal, which is to seal the deal. You can ask these after you get hired!
- Ask the interviewer for final questions. If you sense uncertainty on their part, you can ask them questions that will clarify anything that wasn’t made clear about your background, skillset, or references: “Were there any answers I gave that you still have questions about?” Make the most of your time and don’t leave anything unaddressed.
- Try correcting any misperceptions. Though it can seem a bit bold, one strategy is to ask the interviewer what you’ve done wrong. “Is there anything you see in me that suggests I am not fit for this job?” If they say no, then great! You’ll be on the top of their list. If they do have some concerns, you’ll be able to address them and leave on a better note than you would have otherwise.
- Ask about the next step in the process. Find out if there is another round of interviews. Ask when you will hear from them so that you know when to follow up: “So when do you expect to make a decision about the position?”
- This would also be a good time to let them know if you have other job opportunities lined up so that you can manage your decisions appropriately, but don’t present this as a way of intimidating your potential employer.
Leaving a Good Final Impression
- Restate your enthusiasm and suitability for the position. You’ll want to leave the interviewer with two main impressions: that you are excited to work for them, and that you are totally qualified. The best way to do this is to simply say it.
- For instance, you can say “I’m really excited to work with you and I believe I’m the right fit for the position because I have the proper managerial experience.” Or “I think my six years in sales has really prepared me for this next step working with your company.”
- Continue your conversation after the interview. When the interview is over, you don’t have to stop talking to the interviewer. Leave a good impression by making small talk. For instance, “So what’s the rest of your day looking like?” Or “Do you have any plans for the weekend?” You want to be friendly throughout the interview, even after it’s officially over.
- Follow up. If you don’t already have it, get a point of contact for your interviewer. This relationship is key, and you will want to follow up with the same person who interviewed you. Within 24 hours of your interview, send your interviewer a brief email thanking them for the opportunity and restating your interest in the position.
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- [v161140_b02]. 21 November 2019.