Color Fondant

Plain fondant can be colored to any color you need using the technique shown here. You can fully color the fondant or create a marble effect. As well as learning how to add color, you'll also learn a little about using different types of color sources.


Preparing the Workspace

  1. Cover your work area with wax paper. This will prevent the fondant from sticking to it.

Preparing the Fondant

  1. Knead the fondant with your hands. Make sure that it is very soft.
  2. Roll into a sausage or tube shape. This provides more surface for applying the color to.

Adding the coloring

  1. Dab just a little of the frosting color onto the tool you're using. Use something small and pointed, such as a clean artists brush or a toothpick.
  2. Stroke the color across the fondant surface. Draw it across the surface as far as it will go.
    • Avoid digging into the fondant. This can introduce unwanted pockets of air, which can leave bubbles in the fondant.
  3. Roll the fondant with your fingertips. Keep rolling until the color has been evenly distributed.
    • For a marbled effect, stop when the surface looks streaked or striped.
    • If you want your fondant darker, just add more color. It's best to start with a little, and increase if needed.
  4. For an even, complete colored effect, knead or roll until the coloring has spread throughout the whole fondant.

Choosing Fondant Coloring

  1. Choose a coloring type. There is a wide variety of possible colorings for use with fondant, including:
    • Paste colors - only use a tiny quantity as this is very concentrated
    • Gel colors - this is a strong color and it's easy to use
    • Powder colors - this needs to be dissolved in liquid before use to avoid undissolved pieces showing in the fondant
    • Liquid colors - use cake decorating versions to ensure nice consistency
    • Lustres - for adding a sheen.
  2. Be aware of a few issues with some colors:
    • Daffodil Yellow is an all natural food coloring and does not contain yellow #5. (Many people are allergic to this). Daffodil Yellow currently contains alcohol which all other colors do not have present.
    • Leaf Green is a brighter green with more yellow than Kelly Green. Both of these greens require very little color, how much color added depends on the tone of the green you want.
    • When icing is colored deep red, a bitter aftertaste may be detected. Red No-Taste should be used when a large portion of red coloring is used on the cake. Red No-Taste does not contain red 3 which causes the bitter taste.
    • Rose paste color will obtain hot pink with good results. Rose Petal is a soft, muted rose color. Pink is a traditional pastel with a slight yellow tone.


  • Never mix together lots of colors––the end result will be a murky brown that is not salvageable.
  • If your arm gets tired while kneading, and you have to take a break, don't leave the fondant on the table. Put it in plastic wrap, or wax paper (not aluminum foil) and seal tightly in a container and then break time!
  • If storing differently colored fondant balls, wrap them separately. Colors can easily bleed between stored fondants.

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