Combat Learned Dependency
“Why even try?” If you frequently ask yourself that question, you might be suffering from learned dependency. Learned dependency, also called learned helplessness, occurs when a person internalizes their setbacks and starts to believe they cannot control what happens to them in life. Fortunately, learned dependency can be unlearned. You can reclaim your agency and start steering your life the way you want it to go by replacing your learned helplessness with optimism, taking small steps to build your confidence, and accepting responsibility for yourself.
Learning Optimism
- Reconsider your interpretations of events. People with learned dependency often believe that, when things go wrong, it’s because of their incompetence or inadequacy. Start challenging these thoughts when they arise. Look at situations from an objective point of view and see if you can come up with a more logical explanation for the things that happen to you.
- For instance, if you don’t get a job after an interview, your first thought might be, “I’m obviously unemployable. No one will ever hire me.” Change that thought to, “They probably hired someone with more qualifications, but maybe I’ll be a better fit for the next job.”
- Change your self-talk. You can change the way you feel about yourself by adjusting the way you talk to yourself. When you catch yourself being self-critical or thinking about how hopeless your situation is, force yourself to stop and replace that thought with a positive one.
- For example, you could change the thought “I’ll never be able to learn math” to “I’m having a hard time with math, but lots of people have learned it, and so can I.”
- Notice the positive. Instead of just paying attention to your mistakes and the bad things that happen to you, make an effort to notice your successes. Becoming aware of your strong points will give you more ammunition to fight your negative thoughts about yourself.
- For example, maybe you just got rejected for an internship, but you also aced a test at school. Focus on the test, not the internship.
- Consider cognitive behavioral therapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy is a technique that teaches people to recognize and change their negative thought patterns. If you have trouble overcoming your learned dependency on your own, talking to a therapist who practices this technique may help you.
Building Confidence
- Replace self-doubt with faith in possibility. The first step towards overcoming learned dependency is believing that you can. When they arise, push your doubts out of your mind. Think about the possibilities instead.
- If you have a hard time believing you can change, trick yourself into it by pretending. Tell yourself that you’ll just make a few small changes in your life and see what happens. Act like its not big deal.
- Start with small changes. Identify some bite-sized steps you can take towards reclaiming control over your life. No change is too small – right now, the point is to convince yourself that you really do have the freedom to make your own choices.
- Don’t try to make a big change right away, or you may end up overwhelmed and frustrated.
- Maybe you could get a new haircut, have something different for breakfast, or rearrange your bedroom.
- Shift your perspective on failure. Realize that failure is only temporary. It’s a natural opportunity to learn and improve at things, not a permanent character flaw. Get comfortable with the idea of imperfection, and allow yourself to do new or scary things even if you might fail at first.
- It takes a good attitude to fail constructively. Instead of being hard on yourself, ask yourself, “What could I have done better or differently? What will I take away from this?”
- Be persistent. Strengthen your problem-solving skills by refusing to give up when something is hard for you. Be creative and try different things as you search for solutions.
Taking Responsibility
- Stop giving in to excuses. Think about the things you would like to change in your life. Then ask yourself why you haven’t changed them yet. You might find that your inaction rests on flimsy excuses instead of insurmountable difficulties.
- For instance, if you’ve been putting off doing something important because you feel like you don’t have time, examine your habits and ask yourself if there’s any way you could manage your time better.
- Recognize what's in your control. When something goes wrong (or right), think about what you did to make it happen. Don’t try to blame the event on some external cause. An internal locus of control means that you accept your power over life circumstances. You realize that your choices typically lead you to a certain outcome.
- Having an internal locus of control doesn’t mean beating yourself up for making mistakes. Instead, it means empowering yourself to change your behaviors for the better.
- For instance, if you get a bad grade on a paper, don’t think, “This teacher’s grading is so unfair.” Instead, tell yourself, “I probably could have started working on this sooner to get a better grade.”
- Value your own needs and wishes. Overcoming learned dependency means putting yourself first sometimes. Make decisions based on what you want, instead of asking for other people’s permission or opinions.
- For example, if you want to change jobs but your partner is pressuring you to keep your current job, explain to them why changing is important to you. Then work up your courage and do it, regardless of what they think.
- Set clear goals. Make sure your goals are specific and realistic, so that you can measure your progress. If your goals are big or overwhelming, break them down into smaller steps that are easier to tackle.
- For instance, if your goal is to take a trip, your steps would probably include booking a flight, finding a hotel, and planning an itinerary.
- Assess your performance honestly. Hold yourself accountable for what you do. If you’re not making progress towards your goals, or if you find yourself slipping back into feelings of dependency, re-evaluate your goals. Review what happened and look for ways you can change your behavior so you get a different result next time.
- For example, if you planned to save money, but you find yourself shopping frivolously, you need to look back at your goal. Are you being too strict on yourself, which leads to frivolous spending? Or, maybe you should stop reading magazine or watching TV commercials that prompt you to spend needlessly.
Sources and Citations
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