Overcome Culture Shock

Culture shock is defined as experiencing confusion or anxiety when exposed to a new culture, usually without proper preparation.[1] Perhaps you have recently travelled to a foreign country, started college, served on a mission trip, or started a new job abroad. Know that it is normal for feelings of confusion, stress or homesickness to arise in you. You can cope with culture shock through working through these changes, focusing on the positives, and adapting to the culture.


Coping with the Changes

  1. Journal your thoughts. Perhaps you have recently moved to a new city, state or country and are feeling a bit overwhelmed with the culture there. Rather than succumbing to your anxiety, write it out. Journal how you feel at the moment, what troubled or made you happy that day, as well as if you are missing anyone from your last home.[2]
  2. Talk to others about your experience. Don’t allow yourself to become a recluse during this experience. Reach out to your friends either locally or at home to talk to them about how you are feeling. Perhaps you are on a study abroad trip and have other classmates who have similar feelings; connect with them as well as with those who are adjusting a bit more easily.[3]
    • You might say something like “I know that you seem to be having a great time here in Italy but I’m really struggling with how different it is from home. How did you manage to acclimate so well?”
  3. Find a distraction. Though it can be tempting to allow this culture shock to take over your mind, allow something else to replace it. Don’t exhaust yourself by ruminating on your stress constantly. Watch movies or listen to music that you enjoy. Practice your hobbies like reading, dancing or shopping.[3]
  4. Keep in touch with everyone from home. Being homesick could also be intensifying your feelings of culture shock. Though you should not be reaching out 24/7, keep connected with your friends and family back home.[4]
    • Plan to call your family and friends at a minimum of every few days. If phone access is restricted where you are, try email or send handwritten letters.
  5. Ask for care packages. In addition to remaining connected to home, it can also be beneficial to ask for care packages from your loved ones. This will give you a chance to have some reminders of home abroad with you and will provide you comfort during times of stress.[2]
    • You might ask for particular snacks or hygiene products that you like that you cannot find in your current location.
  6. Do things that are familiar to you. When you are experiencing culture shock, nearly every experience that you are having may feel completely new to you. Find some ways to bring some experiences and normalcy from home to your current environment. For instance, perhaps you enjoy a certain meal that you can’t find in any restaurants in your current location. Find the ingredients and make your own.[2]
    • Though you should try to have many new experiences, try to keep some familiarity in your daily schedule.

Adapting to Your Environment

  1. Learn as much as you can about the environment. Though this experience may be a bit overwhelming for you, you can combat this through doing a bit of information-digging. Do some research on the area, country, or town that you are in. Having a greater context and understanding will help you to adjust better and have more knowledge of the culture.[3]
    • For instance, perhaps you were accepted into a University that is located in a predominantly Native American community and you were not aware of that beforehand. Research the local tribe as well as the community’s history. You will likely develop a greater appreciation because of it.
  2. Respect the culture. Find out as much as you can about the culture of the area so that you don’t commit any social faux pas. For instance, if you are in Israel, you may want to keep your shoulders and thighs covered at all times. You do not want to offend others out of your own ignorance of the customs.[5]
  3. Go for walks. Familiarize yourself with the setting that you are in. Take some time each day to walk and explore your surroundings. If you are in a safe area, you can go alone or ask a friend to walk with you.[3]
    • Keep your phone on you so that you can find your way home should you get lost.
  4. Learn the language. Take some time to truly immerse yourself in the language of your location. Try to learn at least a few basic terms and phrases that will help you get by during your stay. If you will be in the area an excess of six months, however, you might want to consider learning more. Try to learn at least one or two new phrases per day.
    • Try to have conversations with local speakers.
    • Watch television shows or movies in the language to learn it more readily.
  5. Try new foods. Though you might be missing the food from home, you now have the opportunity to experience an entirely new array of dishes that you might love. Try as many of these foods as you can. Find a buddy to try them with you and ask the locals for the best spots to visit.[3]
  6. Get involved. Find ways to get more involved in the community that you are in. Perhaps you come from a predominantly Black community and now find yourself in a town where over 90% of the population is white. Try to find a community of people with interests similar to you, while also finding those who you can identify with racially.[3]
    • For instance, perhaps there is a local book club who is scheduled to read a book that you are interested in. Join this club and try it out for a while.
  7. Participate, but don’t appropriate, the culture. Once you begin to become a bit more acclimated to the culture, avoid the urge to “go Native.” While it is okay to appreciate and participate, avoid the desire to immerse yourself so fully that you forget your own culture. [3]
    • An example would be travelling to India and getting henna tattoos without understanding the deeper meaning of the ink, which is traditionally used in wedding ceremonies.
  8. Avoid missteps. Perhaps during your journey in this new place, you have made a few mistakes. Forgive yourself and work to avoid these missteps in the future. Consult with locals, your supervisor if you are on a study abroad trip, as well as websites related to the culture there.
    • For instance, in certain cultures, if you are in someone’s home, it is considered rude to turn down food. Find out the norms in your area and practice them.
  9. Set a goal. Finally, you should set goals for yourself and then plan action items that will help you achieve them. Perhaps you have a goal of having a 10 minute conversation in Spanish within two months, or making three local friends. Whatever your goals, stick to them so that you can adapt more successfully and intentionally.[3]

Finding the Positive

  1. Make a list of all the things you love. Though culture shock can be stressful, work to find the beauty in your surroundings daily. Make a list of all of the good things about your environment as well as any fun experiences that you have had. You have likely had a lot more fun than you might realize, but documenting that on paper can make it feel more real to you.[3]
    • For instance, perhaps the city you are in is gorgeous. You might also have met a really nice friend while you have been there.
  2. Make local friends. Another way to find and create more positivity with your experience is to make some local friends. Go out at night and meet new people. Go to a festival or event and make some connections there. Local friends can be instrumental in helping you navigate the area, find the coolest spots, and have the best time where you are.[3]
  3. Share your culture. Though you should certainly try to learn more about the culture that you are in, you can also teach others about your own culture. This will help you feel more productive and valued as well as connected to home.[4]
    • Perhaps you want to cook your family’s favorite meal for your new friends.
  4. Remember to laugh. Times might be tough, but never forget to laugh despite it all. Spend time with friends laughing and joking, call your funny friends, get on social media, or watch a funny show or movie.[5]
  5. Practice self-care. It is also critical that you take care of yourself during this time. Eat well, exercise, keep your space neat, and keep up your own personal hygiene. Take some time for yourself each day to relax and decompress.[5]

Sources and Citations