Come Up With a Catch Phrase

"You're despicable", "One vodka martini, shaken, not stirred". How many times have you wished to have your own catch-phrase? This article article will guide you in inventing a personal, quirky catch-phrase.


  1. Decide the purpose of the catch-phrase. While some like to use a unique greeting or farewell, others may want a personalized interjection ("Flat tires! What was that?"). Decide what you want your catch-phrase to be.
  2. Think over the details. Do you want your catch-phrase to be simple, or complex? Is it to be a silly word, or a sarcastic remark? Will you say it often or use it sparingly? Decide these, and other details, now.
  3. Make a few ideas. Now that the purpose and details are outlined, find a paper, pen, and write down any ideas you get. Don't worry about the quality yet - just organize your ideas.
  4. Sort your ideas out. After you have enough catch-phrase candidates, start to work on an elimination process. Is this catch-phrase potentially offensive? Does this catch-phrase sound good, but is unlike my first intentions? Choose the good ones, and eliminate the rest.
  5. Try it out. Now that you have a catch-phrase (or possibly more), try to say it for a few days to different people and observe the results. Do you feel comfortable saying it? Do you get the responses you expect? If not, try another candidate from your list.
  6. Stick to your catch-phrase. When you finally have that special saying of yours, don't change from one to another every other day! It takes time for people to recognize it as your catch-phrase, and it takes even more time for them to appreciate it. Just say it every now and then, if it is appropriate to do so.


  • Don't overuse your catch-phrase! Using it once in a while will maintain the thrill of hoping you will say your famous line, and saying it every three sentences will make it boring, if not annoying. And if its annoying or boring no one will want to hear it.

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