Cook Lasagna in Your Dishwasher
Template:Acc Shock your dinner guest with this fun and unique way to prepare everyone's favorite Italian dish. Do your dishes, cook a meal, and give your guests something to talk about when you make lasagna in your dishwasher.
- 1/2 jar of favorite pasta sauce
- 3 fresh lasagna pasta sheets (or 'oven ready' lasagna sheets)
- 1/2 16.8 oz container of Ricotta cheese
- 1/2 package of mixed grated cheese
- 1 cup freshly chopped spinach
- Garlic
- Onion flakes
- Fine herbs
- Cut three 24-inch x 12-inch sheets of aluminum foil and lie flat.
- Take first lasagna sheet and place flat it in the center of the aluminum foil.
- Spread a thick layer of pasta sauce over the sheet, covering the entire surface.
- In a bowl, mix the Bake a Greek One Meal Pie cheese and spinach and layer half the mixture on top of the tomato sauce.
- Layer desired amount of grated cheese, along with fine herbs, garlic, and onion flakes.
- Top with second lasagna sheet and repeat all layers.
- Cut third lasagna sheet into strips about 3/8-inch wide and layer on top of lasagna in a criss cross fashion. Top with herbs and spices.
- Wrap Make Pumpkin Lasagna tightly in the foil by taking the longest sides of the foil and bringing them to meet above the lasagna.
- Fold the edges of the foil together to make a 'paper bag' effect (like that you would when folding a brown paper lunch bag)above the lasagna. Begin to fold the edges together downward until you are just above the lasagna.
- Flatten the foil out above the lasagna and fold in the remaining sides like a present, first the sides, then the middle.
- Place the wrapped lasagna flat in your dishwasher on the bottom rack.
- Set dishwasher to normal cycle and select 'heated dry' and 'sanitize' settings for maximum heat.
- Wait for the cycle to complete, then carefully remove lasagna from foil and let stand for a few minutes before serving.
- If you need to feed a larger family, simply double the recipe and create two lasagnas. Place them in the dishwasher at the same time to cook.
- Avoid using dishwasher settings such as 'cool dry' or 'economy' since these reduce the heat of the cycle.
- You can add your dirty dishes and detergent so they clean while the lasagna cooks but only if you are confident that your lasagna is securely wrapped. You can make sure by using a ziploc around the foil without changing the cooking very much. (There is a chance the plastic might melt if too close to the heating elements, so be careful with this.)
- When folding the aluminum foil, make sure the folds are clean and free from 'crumpling'. This can lead to tearing.
- To eliminate unnecessary moisture, use dried onion flakes for flavor instead of fresh onions.
Things You'll Need
- Extra thick aluminum foil
- Dishwasher
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