Cook With a Wok

If you're a fan of Asian cooking, a wok is a kitchen must-have. Whether you love spicy stir fry recipes, steamed dumplings, fried wontons, or smoked chicken wings, you can use this traditional pan to make many of your favorite meals. Best of all, once you master the basics, cooking in a wok is quick and easy.


Selecting the Right Wok

  1. Pay attention to the bottom. Woks come in a two bottom styles -- round- and flat-bottomed. Round woks are traditionally used in Chinese cooking, but they don’t work as well on Western stoves. They won’t work at all on electric ranges, and they’re difficult to cook with on a gas range too. Instead, opt for a flat-bottomed wok.[1]
    • If you happen to have a professional style range, such as a Viking or Wolf, you can use a traditional round-bottomed wok with a wok ring to steady it. While most consumer ranges don’t get hot enough for use with a wok ring, a professional model does.
    • You don’t want your wok to be too flat because it will be difficult to flip the food correctly. Choose one that has a 4- to 5-inch flattened bottom with sloping sides that flare out.
  2. Consider the size. While woks come in a variety of sizes, a 12- to 14-inch style is usually the best option for home cooks. If you buy a wok that’s larger, it’s usually too difficult to maneuver in a small kitchen. However, you don’t want to get one that’s too small either because the pan can become too crowded so your food doesn’t cook evenly.[1]
    • A 12- to 14-inch wok is ideal because it provides plenty of space for your ingredients to heat evenly, as well as enough room for flipping and moving the food around when you’re stir frying.
  3. Choose a material. Woks typically come three materials: stainless steel, cast iron, and carbon steel. Avoid stainless steel options because they are very heavy, require a long time to heat and cool, and often have food stick to them. Cast iron is better, but it can be fragile and take a long time to heat. Carbon steel is the best option for a wok because it heats evenly, is durable, and doesn’t cost as much as other materials.[2]
    • When you’re purchasing a carbon steel wok, opt for one that is at least 14-gauge and 2-mm thick.
    • Don’t purchase a wok with a non-stick coating. Those types of coating aren’t designed to be used at high heat, but stir frying in a wok requires high temperatures. A carbon steel wok will become naturally non-stick over time.

Seasoning the Wok

  1. Ensure your kitchen is properly ventilated. Seasoning your wok helps create a natural non-stick surface, so food glides easily around when you're cooking. Before you start seasoning your wok, though, it’s important to ensure that the kitchen has adequate ventilation because the process creates smoke. Open all of the windows, and turn on an exhaust fan if you have one.[3]
    • Make sure that there are no flammable materials near the stove while you’re seasoning the wok.
  2. Wash the wok. When you first purchase it, your wok have a factory coating of oil on its surface that protects the material and prevents rust. Before you can season it, you need to wash the oil away so it doesn’t burn off during the processing. Use a steel wool scrubber, dish soap, and hot water to carefully scrub the entire surface, both inside and out the wok.[1]
    • After you’ve washed the wok, make sure to dry it thoroughly before moving on in the seasoning process. Place it on a burn set at low heat, and let it sit for a couple of minutes -- or until you no longer see any water droplets on its surface.
  3. Apply some type of fat. While the wok is still warm, use a heat-proof brush, such as the kind you would use for barbecuing, to apply a thin layer of fat or oil to the entire surface of its interior. Lard is a traditional choice, but you can also use an oil with a high smoke point, such as grapeseed, canola, peanut, or palm. Once the fat has been applied, place the wok on a burner set at high heat.[3]
    • Avoid using sunflower oil, safflower oil, flax oil, fish oil, or margarine to coat the wok. They leave a sticky coating.
    • While you’re heating the wok with fat in it, make sure to rotate it on the burner so that it’s heated evenly.
    • You’ll usually know that you’re done heating the wok when you start to see wisps of smoke coming off the surface.
  4. Allow the wok to cool. After the fat has burned for several minutes, remove the wok from the burner and allow it to cool completely. Once it’s at room temperature, use a paper towel to wipe its entire surface and soak up an excess fat or oil.[3]
  5. Repeat the process. While your wok is ready to be used after you’ve completed the seasoning process, you’ll get a better cooking surface if you repeat the process several times. You’ll know that the wok is properly prepared when its interior becomes dark and shiny.[4]
    • You can also tell that the wok is fully seasoned when the paper towel that you wipe it down with no longer comes back with brown or black ash.
    • When you’re heating the oil in the wok, you can also add aromatics, such as scallions, garlic, or ginger, to help with seasoning process.

Stir Frying with a Wok

  1. Prepare the food. Because stir frying happens so quickly, it’s a good idea to have all of your food ready to go before you start cooking. Chop and slice all of the aromatics, protein, and vegetables before heating the wok. Place them in bowls right beside the stove top, so you can reach them easily when it's time to toss them into the wok.[5]
    • Try to cut all of the food into the same size pieces, so they'll cook at roughly the same time. Aim for bite-size pieces.
  2. Preheat the wok before adding oil. Before you start adding ingredients to the wok, you’ll need to heat it for several minutes on high. You’ll know that it’s sufficiently heated when you drop a bead of water into the wok and it evaporates immediately. Next, drizzle approximately 1 to 2 tablespoons of your oil of choice down the side of the wok; it may smoke slightly, but be sure to swirl the wok so the entire surface is coated with the oil.[6]
    • While some faint smoke is normal when you add the oil, an excessive amount indicates that you’ve overheated the wok. Let it cool off before continuing.
    • For stir frying, use an oil that has a high smoke point so it can withstand the high temperatures without burning. Some oils to consider are peanut, safflower, sesame, and light refined olive.[7]
  3. Add food in stages. You can’t toss all your stir fry ingredients into the wok at once because some take longer to cook than others and you want to layer the flavors. Start with the most intensely flavored ingredients, usually known as the aromatics, so they’ll infuse the oil. When they’re lightly browned, push them toward the edge of the wok, and cook your protein of choice in a single layer. Stir fry the protein until it’s not quite fully cooked, and then remove it and the aromatics to a bowl. Cook the vegetables next, starting with those that have the longest cooking times first and moving on to soft, leafy veggies that don’t need as much time.[7]
    • Garlic, ginger, onions, and chili peppers all make delicious aromatics for a stir fry dish.
    • For protein, you can use chicken, beef, seafood, or tofu, depending on your preferences.
    • When you’re adding the vegetables, start with hard, dense options, such as carrots, cauliflower, and broccoli. Add medium weight veggies next, including mushrooms, peppers, asparagus, zucchini, and celery. Finish off with soft vegetables, such as tomatoes, leafy greens, and sprouts.
  4. Move food constantly. When you’re stir frying in a wok, using the right technique is key. To keep the food burning, you need to continue to move the ingredients throughout the process. Use a thin spatula to constantly roll the food over onto itself, placing it between the wok and the food to toss ingredients for even cooking.[7]
    • It’s best to use a metal spatula when stir frying because wooden ones are usually too thick to really fit under the food.
  5. Return the aromatics and protein and deglaze. Once the vegetables are tender, add the protein and aromatics back to the wok. To ensure that you get all of the intense flavors out of the wok, deglaze it with a liquid of your choice. Drizzle the liquid down the sides slowly, and then use the spatula to toss all of the ingredients together so they’re all warmed through.[7]
    • For deglazing, broth, stock, wine, soy sauce, or coconut milk all work well.

Steaming with a Wok

  1. Fill a steamer basket or rack. When you use your wok for steaming, you need to add a basket or rack to hold the food above the water. The concave shape of the wok makes it ideal for holding a bamboo steamer basket insert that is traditional in Chinese cooking. A metal steaming rack can work well too, though. Place the vegetables, dumplings, or other food that you’re steaming in a single layer in the basket or rack, so they’ll all be steamed evenly.[8]
    • The benefit to using a bamboo steamer basket is that its lid actually absorbs excess moisture inside the wok, so it doesn’t drip back down over the food and make it soggy.
    • If you are using a metal steaming rack, you can opt for a style that has hooks to secure it over the edge of the wok or one that has legs that will hold it above the water in the bottom of the wok.
    • If you’re using a bamboo basket to steam food in your wok, you should line the bottom to prevent the ingredients from sticking to it. You can use cabbage or lettuce leaves, or parchment paper to line the basket.
    • A bamboo steamer basket has its own lid to trap the steam, but if you’re using a metal rack, you’ll need to place the lid on top of the wok.
  2. Bring water to boil in the wok. Before placing the steamer basket or rack inside, you should add water to the wok and bring it to a boil. You’ll want to fill the wok with approximately 2-inches of water, though it vary depending on how large your wok is. The water level should be about halfway up to the bottom of the steamer basket or rack. Turn the heat up high to bring the water to a boil.[9]
    • Before you bring the water to a boil, make sure that the steamer basket or rack fits securely in the wok and isn’t going to tip over. Remove it before you boil the water, though.
    • The food in your steamer basket or on the rack should sit above the water, so it doesn’t get overcooked.
    • You don’t have to use water to steam in your wok. Any translucent, light liquid, such as broth, stock, wine, or juice, can work.
  3. Insert steamer basket or rack. Once the water has come to a boil, reduce the heat to keep it a simmer and place the steamer basket inside the wok. You should keep an eye on the water level because if too much water evaporates, you may need to add more to properly steam the food. Check on the food every few minutes to determine if it’s done to your liking and remove it from the basket or rack.[8]
    • The steam inside a wok is extremely hot, so be sure to use long-handled tongs when you’re adding and removing food to prevent burns.[7]
    • After using your wok for steaming, there may be a waterline across the surface. You’ll need to re-season the wok to get rid of it.

Deep Frying with a Wok

  1. Add oil to the wok. A wok is actually an ideal pan for deep frying because its concave shape means that you don’t need as much oil and there is less chance of the oil boiling over. Two inches of oil is usually enough to deep fry in a wok, but make sure that you never fill it more than halfway.[10]
    • For deep frying, choose an inexpensive, flavorless oil with a high smoke point. Canola, peanut, and safflower oils are all good options. You can also use clean animal fats, such as lard or duck fat, but they tend to more costly.
  2. Heat the oil. You need to ensure that your oil is at the proper temperature for frying before you add your food. The easiest way to accurately determine that the oil is hot enough is to use a thermometer. One designed specifically for deep fryers is the best option, but you can also use a candy thermometer.[11]
    • The proper temperature for deep frying depends on what you’re cooking. Consult your recipe to determine what the proper temperature for the oil should be.
    • If you don't have a thermometer on hand, you can use a wooden spoon or chopstick to test the temperature of the oil. Dip the handle of the wooden tool into the oil -- if it bubbles steadily, the oil is hot enough for deep frying. If there is particularly vigorous bubbling, though, the oil is too hot, and you should let it cool before frying your food. If few to no bubbles appear, the oil needs to heat longer.[12]
  3. Carefully add food. Once the oil is properly heated, you can begin to place the food into the wok. Try to ensure that all of the pieces that you add to the oil are the same size, so they’ll cook evenly. It’s also important to dry all of the food thoroughly before adding it to the oil or battering it and placing it in the oil because moisture will make the oil spatter.[7]
    • If you’re frying battered items, make sure to add them to the oil one at a time. Otherwise, they may stick together. Adding a bunch of food at once can also cause the oil’s temperature to drop.
    • To keep the food at a consistent temperature in the oil, move it around in the oil with a strainer or slotted spoon instead of just allowing it to sit.
  4. Remove the food when its color is right. When you notice that your food has become a light golden brown shade, it’s likely done. Use a slotted spoon or metal strainer to remove the food from the oil, so you can scoop up several pieces at once. To keep your food from being too greasy, immediately place it on a paper towel lined plate, bowl, or tray to soak up the excess oil.[10]
    • Don't use plastic utensils to remove the food from the wok. Plastic can melt easily in hot oil.
    • The best time to season deep fried food is right after you’ve removed it from the oil. That’s because it will absorb the salt, pepper, or other seasoning more easily for deeper flavor.

Smoking with a Wok

  1. Cover the wok with foil. To prepare it for smoking, you must line the wok with a heavy-duty foil. Make sure that there are at least 5- to 6-inches of foil hanging over the edge of the wok -- it should be long enough that it can cover the edge of the metal rack that you’ll insert to set the food on for smoking. To ensure that the foil is secure in the wok, press it firmly into the base.[13]
    • Make sure that your wok is thoroughly cleaned before smoking in it. If there are any bits of food stuck to it, they’ll burn during the process.
  2. Add smoking ingredients and rack. To give create a delicious smoky flavor, you need to add ingredients to the bottom of the wok to infuse the food. For the best results, try a mixture of tea leaves, sugar, and rice. The tea will provide a flavorful smoke, the sugar will caramelize to give the food color and sweeten it, and the rice helps to keep the set-up smoking.[11]
    • Depending on the food that you’re smoking, you can also add spices to your smoking ingredients. Rosemary, star anise, coriander seeds, bay leaves, garlic, mint, cinnamon sticks, and whole nutmeg are all good options. Citrus peels can also add interesting flavor.
  3. Heat the wok. To get the smoke started, you need to heat up on the materials in the bottom of the wok. Turn your burner to medium-heat and it sit until you see smoke coming from the wok -- it usually takes approximately five minutes. The sugar is typically the first ingredient to burn, but the others soon follow.[13]
    • Make sure to work quickly after the wok starts producing smoke, so your kitchen doesn’t become filled.
    • Turn on your kitchen's exhaust or vent fan to help with the smoke. If you don't have a fan, it may help to open a window or two.
  4. Add food. Once your wok is smoking, place a metal rack above the rim of the wok -- a cooling rack works well. If you have circular rack that fits inside the wok, check that it’s at least three inches above the bottom. Set the food that you’re smoking on the rack, making sure that none of the pieces hang over the edge of the rack. The items should be spaced out, so there’s room for the smoke to circulate.[13]
    • Place the food on the rack as close to the center of the wok as you can. That will ensure even cooking because the edges of the rack will get hotter than the center.
  5. Cover the wok. Take another piece of heavy-duty foil and place it over the top of the food to trap the smoke. To create an air-tight seal, crimp the edge of the top foil to the edge of the piece lining the bottom. It’s a good idea to wear oven mitts while sealing the foil because it can get very hot. You should heat most foods on medium heat for about 10 minutes. After you turn off the heat, allow the food to sit for another 20 minutes so the smoke has time to die down.[13]
    • Don’t smoke your food for too long or it may develop a bitter flavor.
    • Keep in mind that some foods need to be cooked with another method after smoking for best results. For example, if you smoke chicken wings, you’ll want to finish them off with broiling.


  • Avoid steaming, boiling, and poaching in a new wok. Until it’s been seasoned and used for several months, they can damage the surface.
  • When you wash your wok after use, don’t scrub the surface. Rinse it and use a soft sponge to remove any residue.


  • Woks can get extremely hot, especially when you’re stir frying. Be sure to use a potholder or oven mitt to handle it to avoid burns.

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