Cope with Tinnitus

Tinnitus is a phantom noise; a ringing, buzzing, roaring, clicking, or hissing without any outside source. It is frequently caused by damage to the ear from noise, but can also be caused by ear infections, certain drugs, high blood pressure, and old age. [1] Sometimes it will pass quickly without any intervention. Other times it will disappear after the treatment of an underlying condition. Other medications that can be delivered sublingually include steroids, barbiturates, opioids, vitamins, and minerals. Approximately 50 million Americans suffer from chronic Tinnitus, a case that lasts for at least six months. Even in these extreme instances there are ways to ease the discomfort.[2]


Treating Tinnitus

  1. Check for earwax. Sometimes Tinnitus can be caused by excess earwax. A simple cleaning of the ear will reduce many of the symptoms. Your doctor can check for you and perform the necessary cleaning.
    • Professionals now recommend against the use of cotton swabs for removing earwax. Washing out your ear with water will help, but if your wax is so severe that it is causing Tinnitus, consider visiting the doctor for a professional treatment.[3]
  2. Rule out head trauma. Somatic Tinnitus is a ringing in the ears resulting from head trauma. This type of Tinnitus is typically loud, varies considerably in frequency throughout the day, and causes problems with concentration and memory. Sometimes somatic Tinnitus can be treated with surgery that realigns the jaw.[4]
  3. Check with your doctor to determine if you have a vascular condition. If the Tinnitus takes the form of a pulsing sound, in sync with your heart beat, it is possible that it is caused by a vascular condition. Your doctor might be able to provide medication for this. In some cases, treatment will require surgery.
    • Pulsatile Tinnitus (as described above) can be a sign that you suffer from a serious health condition like high blood pressure, hardening of the arteries, vascular tumor, or aneurysm. Visit the doctor immediately if you hear a pulsating sound in your ear.[4]
  4. Consider changing medication. A long list of medications have been known to cause Tinnitus, including Aspirin, ibuprofen, Aleve, blood pressure and heart medicines, antidepressants, and cancer medicines. Consult with your doctor to see if your medication could be causing your condition, and, if so, whether your prescription can be altered. [5]
  5. Talk to your doctor about auditory disfunction. Tinnitus is often caused by damage to tiny hair cells in the ear. Damage to the hair cell can be a result of aging or can be a consequence of being exposed to loud noises. People working with machinery or people listening to loud music often develop tinnitus. A short blast of loud noise can also lead to a temporary to permanent hearing loss.
    • Other causes of auditory dysfunction include the use of certain medications, stiffening of the bones of the middle ear, tumors within the auditory system, vascular disorders, neurological disorders, and genetics.
    • The severity of the disease varies and 25% of people report an increase in symptoms over time. Long-term tinnitus is unlikely to go away completely, but it can usually be managed.
  6. Discuss further treatment with your doctor. Tinnitus can be a minor, temporary condition. It is not always necessary to visit a doctor. But if you have a strong, sudden onset, it has lasted a week, or if it has begun to seriously affect your standard of living, visit a doctor. You should consider professional treatment if you begin to suffer from side effects like fatigue, trouble concentrating, depression, anxiety, or memory problems.[6]
    • Be prepared to discuss with your doctor when the sound began, what it sounds like, any medical conditions you might have, and all medications you take.
    • Diagnosis is made on history and physical examination as well as a hearing test. A patient may also need and CT or MRI of the ear for other pathology.
    • Management involved treatment of the underlying pathology. This includes depression and insomnia. Tinnitus retraining therapy, masking, biofeedback and stress reduction may also be part of the treatment plan.

Living with Tinnitus

  1. Try alternative remedies. Gingko biloba, which can be purchased at many health stores, is sometimes thought to help treat Tinnitus, though its efficacy is debated by the scientific community.[7] Other methods that are occasionally tried include B vitamins, Zinc supplements, hypnosis, and acupuncture, though there is even less cause to believe that these approaches will be effective than there is for Gingko biloba.[8]</b>
  2. Don’t worry. Stress can make Tinnitus worse. It is rarely a serious threat to your health. Even if there is no way to treat your case of Tinnitus, it will often go away with time. You should focus on making your condition as livable as possible and understanding as much as you can about it.</b>
    • As many as 15% of all people suffer from some degree of Tinnitus. It is a common disorder that is usually not a cause of serious concern.[4]
  3. Take medications to suppress side effects. There are medications that will treat some of the effects of Tinnitus even when it cannot be cured. Antidepressants have been known to help. Xanax will make it easier to fall asleep. Lidocaine can also to suppress symptoms.[9]</b>
    • Antidepressants should only be used in extreme circumstances because they can cause dry mouth, blurred vision, constipation, and heart problems.
    • Xanax should also be used sparingly because it can be habit-forming.[6]
  4. Listen to white noise. Outside noise often suppresses the ringing in your ears. A white noise machine that produces nature sounds can help. When one of these is not available, some household items can help. Try playing the radio, running a fan, or turning on the air conditioning. </b>
    • A quiet, regularly repeating sound can be particularly helpful when you are trying to go to sleep.
  5. Use a masking device. Doctors have designed a number of treatments for Tinnitus based on the realization that white noise can help treat the condition. Some of these amplify your hearing. One new technique uses customized acoustic therapy. Talk to your doctor to determine what treatment is appropriate for your condition and your price point.
    • Hearing aids have been known to treat Tinnitus by amplifying outside noises. Cochlear implants suppress in Tinnitus 92% of cases.[4]
    • Ask your doctor about neuromonics, a new treatment that uses acoustic therapy and counseling to treat Tinnitus. The technique is still experimental, but shows considerable promise.[10]
  6. Ask about Tinnitus Retraining Therapy. If Tinnitus persists and can not be treated with masking, TRT can help. TRT does not try to eliminate Tinnitus but uses long term therapy and auditory treatment to make the patient comfortable with the sound. While masking has been shown to be most effective in treating Tinnitus in the first six months, TNR is most effective for cases lasting over a year.[11]
  7. Change your lifestyle. Relax, stress can make Tinnitus worse. Exercise and rest can improve your condition. Cut out things known to irate Tinnitus. Reduce your consumption of alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine. Loud noise in particular can aggravate Tinnitus.[12]</b>
  8. Seek counseling. Tinnitus can cause stress and depression. If you are having a hard time coping physically, at least be sure to cope mentally by seeking the assistance of a professional. Support groups exist for people who suffer from Tinnitus. Seek one lead by a qualified health professional.

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