Copyedit a wikiHow Article

If you have a good eye for detail and a good handle on the English language, you can Contribute to wikiHow by copyediting! This involves a review of the spelling, punctuation, grammar and overall style. Copyediting articles is a great way to get involved in the wikiHow community - we need your help!


  1. Click on the "Edit" tab at the top of any article. A great place to begin is our Copyedit, or you can use the Use the wikiHow Copyedit Greenhouse tool for even easier editing. You can also use the search function to find poorly written pages. Good search terms might be:
    • ect. -- common misspelling of etc.
    • "could of" (should of/would of) -- Common misspelling of "could have" unless there's a punctuation mark between the two words. (You could, of course, make ...)
    • "then" -- frequently used when "than" is the more appropriate word.
    • 'dont, can't, thats' -- contracted words that are missing an apostrophe.
    • they're, their and there; your and you're -- similar words that are often confused. Check whether the article uses the right one.
    • ur, u -- text speak should be avoided.
    • artical -- common misspelling of article.
    • Emoticons such as :), XD,and :D and so on.
    • "trust me, I know"--usually part of a personal reference
  2. Review for spelling errors. The most important thing to remember here is that our contributors come from all over the world, and they may spell words differently than you do (e.g. color/colour, theater/theatre, jewelry/jewellery). If the same spelling is used throughout the page, it never hurts to check to see if it's the British or Australian spelling of the same word. If it is, Choose Which English to Use on wikiHow! With that in mind, here are some spell checking tools you can use:
  3. Review for punctuation errors:
    • Use a period () at the end of a sentence to denote a full stop.
    • Use a colon () to introduce a list.
    • Use double quotation marks () to quote a person or another piece of literature.
    • Use a comma () to denote a break or pause within a sentence.
    • Use a comma between a series of items within a sentence.
    • Use a comma between two or more descriptive adjectives.
  4. Review for English errors:
    • When possible, use active rather than passive sentences.
    • Use Generic Pronouns so that both male and female readers feel that the article applies to them.
  5. Remove Avoid Using Personal Reference on wikiHow reference. The reason you should avoid this is personal reference tends to discourage people from editing a page. Try to replace the words "I, my, me" with "you, your".
  6. Use Proper Capitalization. Note that if there's a chunk of text written in all caps, you can convert it all to lowercase (or have only the first letter of every word capitalized) easily in most word processing programs. In MS Word, for example, press Shift+F3 for all lowercase, and press it again for first letter capitalization. Fixing the text from that is usually less time-consuming than rewriting it.
  7. Click on Preview, at the bottom of the article, to review your changes.
  8. If the article has a {{copyedit}} tag at the beginning, remove it. This will take the article off the list of articles in need of copyediting. If there are other templates there, don't remove them unless you've fixed whatever issue that template is addressing. If in doubt, leave them in place to be removed by another editor.
  9. Write a Write a Good Edit Summary on wikiHow in the Edit Summary, at the bottom of the article, to clarify your edit. Something simple like "copyediting", or abbreviated "ce" will do the trick! It lets people know what you did for the page when they glance at the page history.
  10. Click on Publish, at the bottom of the article, to save your changes.


  • While on an Edit Page, click on Show Changes at the bottom of the article.

    • The left column is original text. The right column is your version.
    • backgrounds indicate edited or deleted content.
    • backgrounds indicate new or edited content.
  • Proofread, proofread, proofread! Always look over your work before publishing it just in case you've misused "your" or forgot to close a weaved link.
  • For questions, contact the Help Team.

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