Use a Colon in a Sentence

Ah, the venerable colon. It's seen everywhere, in all the right places, introducing us to people we should know, pointing the way to the answers we seek. And yet it remains a mystery to so many. "How do I use this," they ask. The answer is simple: read this article, and learn all about it!


Colon Usage Cheat Sheet

Doc:Colon Usage

What Is a Colon?

  1. Listen to your grammar. A colon, technically speaking, is a punctuation mark consisting of two equally sized dots in a vertical configuration (see the image above). It is used to mark a major division in a sentence, to indicate that what follows is an elaboration, summation, implication, etc., of what precedes it. Think of the colon as a gate, inviting one to go on. Want to know more? Read further:

When to use the colon

  1. Use the colon to punctuate the end of a sentence when a list of items follows, as follows:
    • The class will expose you to the following topics: politics, history, and economics.
    • This first-aid kit includes these items: a flashlight, an extra set of batteries, a space blanket, gauze, tape, and aspirin.
    • You have 3 choices:
      • 1. Buy the car.
      • 2. Buy the ticket.
      • 3. Save the money and take a nap.
  2. Use a colon between two sentences when the second sentence elaborates or explains the content of the first sentence.
    • She had it all: looks, intelligence, wit, and charm. She also had a piercing gaze, and it was aimed at one place, and one place only: my heart.
    • This I know: Do or do not. There is no try.
  3. The colon is the punctuation to reach for when you're writing a business or formal letter.
    • Dear Mr. Jones: You know there's something happening, but you don't know what it is, do you?
  4. Use a colon to separate an independent clause from a quotation that the clause introduces:
    • The director often used his favorite quotation from Shakespeare's The Tempest:
      • As you from crimes would pardoned be,
      • Let your indulgence set me free.

When not to use the colon

  1. Remember this: the clause that precedes the punctuation mark should be able to stand on its own as an independent clause. It should have a subject and a predicate.
  2. Don't use the colon in the following situations:
    • When a clause includes an introductory word such as for example, or namely.
      • Her recipe for cake included flour, eggs, milk, and anchovies. It was not widely appreciated. (Don't use a colon after "included.")
      • His favorite cereals were hot buttered groat clusters, TastyWheat, and Frosted Chicken-Os. (No colon after "were.")
      • She was a big fan of old movies. For example, The Maltese Falcon, The Tramp, and Creature From the Black Lagoon. (No colon after "example.")
  3. Remember this as well: Do not use a colon to introduce a list that is the complement of a verb or the object of a preposition.
    • Incorrect: The toys we took to the sleep over were: army men, hot wheels, and Barbie dolls.(The colon separates the verb from its complement).
    • Correct: We took these toys to the sleep over: army men, hot wheels, and Barbie dolls.
    • Incorrect: We have vacationed in: Philippines, China, Thailand, and Hong Kong. (Colon separates the preposition from its object).
    • Correct: We have taken a vacation in the following countries: Philippines, China, Thailand, and Hong Kong.


  • If a colon is followed by a complete sentence, capitalize the first word after the colon. For example, "While in Venice, he did something he had never done before: He took a gondola ride." (Compare to this: "While in Venice, he did something he had never done before: took a gondola ride."
  • When a colon follows quoted matter, the colon goes outside the quotation marks. For example, "There were three people to whom he sang "The Girl From Ipanema": his mother, his sister and his best friend."
  • Remember, there is still need for an "and" before the last word you are listing, even when using a colon. For example, “There are so many things I need to purchase for the party: balloons, streamers, food, soda, gifts, and plates.” However, the comma before that final "and" may not be required; read up on the "Oxford Comma" debate.


  • Remember to always use a colon between the hour and the minute of a time reference.
    • 11:11 P.M.
  • Do not forget to use a colon between chapter and verse of Biblical reference.
    • John 3:16
  • Always remember to use a colon between independent clauses when the second clause gives a fuller explanation of what is stated in the first clause.
    • Family camp had an enormous effect on families: they came home with a different perspective on life and with a genuine love for each other.

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