Cosplay As Ada Wong from Resident Evil

Ada Wong is a character from Resident Evil 2 and 4, the true side she is working for is unknown. This article is obviously only for you if you are a girl!


  1. Keep a mysterious air around you. Tell people you meet little about your background and intentions, act like you expect them to listen to you and follow your directions without question.
  2. Be manipulative. Don't scream and cry if people aren't listening to you; expect them to follow your directions, and when you say it, mean it, and don't have to say it a second time.
  3. Have a charming charisma about you. Be naturally good with men, and be a good leader too.
  4. Take up some sort of self defense class, like ninjitsu, (also teaches stealth, which Ada has a lot of) jujitsu, or some other type. This should also tone your body, and give you a degree of flexibility like Ada.
  5. Be naturally neat, organized, and finicky when it comes to cleanliness.
  6. Have some sort of goal in your life and strive to complete it. Ada's primary goal in Resident Evil is to complete her job, and she does so very professionally and accurately. She is a perfectionist.
  7. Have complete control over all your emotions, and know when it is the right time to express them.


  • You can say you're mysterious, but being mysterious is a whole different thing. You must act it.

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