Count to 50 in French

There are many different aspects of the French language that rely on knowing the French pronunciations of numbers. This guide provides an easy way to study and get those numbers down pat. You can do that by counting to 50!


  1. Un (uhn) 1
  2. Deux (do) 2
  3. Trois (twa) 3
  4. Quatre (cat) 4
  5. Cinq (sank) 5
  6. Six (sees) 6
  7. Sept (set) 7
  8. Huit (wheat)8
  9. Neuf (nuff) 9
  10. Dix (deece) 10
  11. Onze (onze) 11
  12. Douze (dooze) 12
  13. Treize (trez) 13
  14. Quatorze (katorz) 14
  15. Quinze (canz) 15
  16. Seize (sez) 16
  17. Dix-sept (dees-set) 17
  18. Dix-huit (dees-wheat) 18
  19. Dix-neuf (dees-nurf) 19
  20. Vingt (van) 20
  21. Vingt et un (van de ern) 21
  22. Vingt-deux (vant-der) 22
  23. vingt-trois (vant-twa) 23
  24. Vingt-quatre (vant-kat) 24
  25. Vingt-cinq (vant-sank) 25
  26. Vingt-six (vant-sees) 26
  27. Vingt-sept (vant-set) 27
  28. Vingt-huit (vant-wheat) 28
  29. Vingt-neuf (vant-noof) 29
  30. Trente (tront) 30.
    • To count from 31-39, use "trente et un"for 31, "trente-deux", "trente-trois", and goes on like that.
  31. Quarante (caront) 40.
    • To count form 41-49, use "quarante et un"for 41, "quarante-deux", "quarante- trois" and goes on like that.
  32. Cinquante (sankonte) means 50.
    • Make Flash cards. Write the English number on one side and the French number on the other. Then, look at the English number and make a guess for how to say it in French. Flip it over and see if you were correct. Then vice versa by looking at the French number first, then the English. Keep Make Yourself Want To Practice Something until you know the number instantly when you see it.


  • Put the numbers into the beat of a song or make a song on your own with the help of an instrument for the beats.
  • Look up a video online and copy their pronunciation.
  • Practice r's they are hard


  • Make sure you know what you're saying and that you're pronouncing it right. Get it perfect, or else you might mispronounce the word and say something insulting if you're talking to a native speaker!

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Sources and Citations

  • You can hear all of these numbers pronounced in perfect French accent here.