Say I Miss You in French

Are you trying to learn how to say "I miss you" in French? Below is the phrase as well as some guidelines on proper pronunciation.


  1. Learn the phrase: "Tu me manques"
  2. Pronounce it properly: start with Tu (too)
  3. Then, me (m+ short, hard e; sounds like "muh")
  4. Then, manques (mahn-k)


  • Sounds in French sentences follow a pattern of "groupes rhythmique" or "rhythmic groups." Say "Tu me manques" with exactly the same level of enunciation throughout the sentence, with slightly more emphasis on the last syllable of the sentence (i.e.: Correct = too muh mahn-K. NOT: TU muh MAHN-K. NOT: tu MUH mahn-K.).
  • The French "u" sound does not exist in English. To say this phoneme (sound unit) properly in the word "Tu", do the following:
    • a)Say "eee" (e.g.: "Eeeew, that's gross!")
    • b)Say "oooh" (e.g.: "Too much!")
    • c)Position your lips as they were when saying "eee." Say "ooooo" instead of "eee" with your lips still in the "eee" position.
    • d)Repeat a-c. Practice, practice, practice!
    • e)This sound should only be used for the French letter "u" NOT the letters "ou"

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