Cover Up Stretch Marks on Legs
Weight fluctuations, pregnancy and fast growth spurts can cause skin to stretch and scar. Not only weight gain, but weight loss as well can cause stretch marks. Many women develop red or white lesions on their inner thighs, outer thighs and calves. Though your skin will heal itself with time, many people wish to conceal their stretch marks while they are disappearing. The surest way to keep stretch marks from showing on your legs is by wearing pants. However, if you want to wear lighter clothing, there are options for you to make your stretch marks less obvious.
Using Makeup to Cover Stretch Marks
- Exfoliate your skin. Use a body scrub the morning before you want to cover up your stretch marks. Try a body scrub made with caffeine. This may make your skin appear tighter and smoother.
- Compare a few makeup products. Try a leg and body cover up cream. There are a number of cover ups on the market that will cover up stretch marks and other lines that detract from healthy-looking skin. No one has the exact same skin, so you may have to try a few products to see which is best for you.
- Choose a color that will match your skin tone. Remember that it may be lighter or darker than your face makeup.
- Choose a body cover up that includes sunscreen if you are regularly exposed to sunlight. Sunburns reduce the elasticity of your skin and make stretch marks more noticeable.
- If you don’t have access to leg and body cover up, use a primer moisturizer or a waterproof concealer. Choose a concealer with green undertones to cover up red marks.
- Try out your cover up or concealer. Dip a flat foundation brush into the cover up product. Dab it gently onto the areas with stretch marks. Aim to use a very light layer of makeup. Assess the coverage that you get with a single layer. Layer the makeup in thin coats until you achieve the desired effect. It will quickly be obvious to you if it is working.
- If you are going to wear a swimsuit, put it on before you apply makeup.
- Use a powder brush to apply setting powder. Leave the powder a few minutes before changing into a short skirt or shorts.
- A spray-on makeup fixative will also work to set the cover up or concealer.
Using Tanner to Cover Stretch Marks
- Choose a leg self-tanner. Numerous drugstore brands make tanning products especially designed for use on legs. Test the product on a small patch of skin to check for allergies. Ask your doctor or dermatologist for a recommended product if you have sensitive skin or you’re prone to skin allergies.
- This method works well for older, white stretch marks.
- Choose a self-tanner that does not come in a spray bottle. You will need a lotion product that is labeled “streak free.”
- Prepare your legs for tanner. Exfoliate your legs with a body scrub the morning before you apply self-tanner. This will remove with your dead skin cells. Exfoliated skin will also stay tanner longer. Don't apply any other skin products the day you will apply the tanner.
- Apply the tanner. Squeeze some self-tanner onto a plate or in a bowl. The plate will be your makeup palette. Dab the self-tanner with a cotton swab. Wipe off excess on another portion of the plate. Apply along the line of the white stretch mark. Wipe off excess self-tanner with the clean end of the cotton swab.
- Next apply the tanner all over your arms and legs for an even, natural-looking tan.
- If you have difficulty reaching all your stretch marks, use a mirror or ask a friend to help you.
- Correct any mistakes. Let your skin dry to see how the tan came out. Streaks or dark spots can be fixed by scrubbing with a washcloth and water. An exfoliating scrub can erase streaks on large areas of skin.
Taking Care of Your Skin
- Note whether your stretch marks are red or white in color. Red stretch marks are fresh, and they can be minimized or reduced with certain products. White stretch marks are older and most creams will not change their appearance. However, good moisturizing routines will help your skin heal over time, and even white stretch marks should look less obvious.
- Tone your legs. Work your inner and outer thighs using walking, pilates, yoga, barre, running, lunges and squats. Seek the help of a personal trainer to develop a leg routine that will firm the muscles underneath your stretch marks. If you have lost weight, gaining back muscle may help stretch marks fade. If you have gained weight, aerobic exercise may help you shed a few pounds and take the pressure off your skin.
- Although firm muscles will not get rid of stretch marks, they can reduce the appearance of cellulite, which often appears in the same areas that stretch marks appear.
- Minimal weight loss may cause some fresh stretch marks to heal and nearly disappear. Significant weight loss may lead to excess skin on some areas of the legs.
- Get a prescription for creams or makeup. Visit your dermatologist and ask about Retin-A cream. This is used to treat red stretch marks. The active ingredient is vitamin A, which has been proven effective in reducing scarring.
- Your dermatologist may also prescribe topical steroids to be used with Retin-A.
- Take good care of your skin. Healthy, moisturized skin shows blemishes less obviously than dry, irritated skin. This will also make other creams and makeups less harsh on your legs. Apply a moisturizer, such as cocoa butter, daily. If you have faint stretch marks, this might even make them virtually invisible by itself.
- If you don’t have time to find body and leg cover up cream, try a waterproof concealer and foundation from a local drugstore.
- If you can’t find a foundation or cover up cream color that is a perfect match, buy a lighter and darker product and blend them.
- If your cover up or concealer doesn't match your skin color, try to use face powder. This can be found in makeup shops and drug stores. It gives your skin a smooth looking after-look.
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