Get Rid of Scars

Scars can come in all shapes and sizes and are rarely something you'd like to show off. To get rid of scars, consider applying safe yet unverified natural remedies believed to promote healing (e.g., lemon juice, Indian gooseberry, cucumber paste) or rely on proven medical treatments, like scar creams containing alpha hydroxy acids or silicone, laser treatments, and dermabrasion. There are many options available -- the right one depends on the size and age of the scar, as well as your personal treatment preferences.


Natural Remedies

  1. Apply lemon to the scar. Lemons contain alpha hydroxy acids(AHA) which help to remove dead skin cells, help new cells grow, and bring back some elasticity to the skin. As a natural bleach, it can help lighten scars.
    • Make sure the scar and surrounding area are cleaned thoroughly
    • Put 1 teaspoon of lemon juice on a cotton ball
    • Rub the cotton ball on the scarred area
    • Let it sit for about 10 minutes and then rinse it off
    • Lemon juice may make your skin sensitive to light, so consider wearing sunscreen wherever you applied it when going outside.
  2. Use honey. Raw honey can also be used to fade scars. It is a natural moisturizer, can be effective in the treatment of wounds, and stimulates tissue regeneration.
    • Mix 2 tbsp. of raw honey with 2 tbsp. of baking soda
    • Massage for 3 minutes
    • Place a hot washcloth over the area
    • When the washcloth has cooled, use it to wipe the area clean
    • Note: Try mixing 2 tbsp. of raw honey with 1 tbsp. of baking soda to make an exfoliating wash to help fade acne scars
  3. Try onion extract. This is an anti-inflammatory and can inhibit the production of collagen in a scar, thereby making it less noticeable.
    • It is typically found in a gel that you rub onto the scar
    • This process is long and may take up to several months before you start to see any results.
  4. Consider using aloe vera gel. Aloe Vera's anti-inflammatory properties help reduce skin irritations and help remove dead skin from wounds. Aloe vera may also lessen swelling, help repair damaged skin cells, and fortify new skin cells being produced.
    • Aloe vera can be found in many forms including gels, ointments, and lotions
    • Apply and massage the aloe vera directly on the scar tissue several times a day
  5. Use Indian gooseberry. Also known as "amla," this is a great source of vitamin C, and is most effective if applied to a newly-healed area immediately as it will go right to work inhibiting the formation of scar tissue.[1]
    • Amla is often found in a powder or paste. You can even make your own amla paste at home by mixing the powder with water or olive oil
    • Massage the paste into your skin on the affected area
  6. Make or purchase cucumber paste. Cucumbers are cheap, easy to find, and are commonly used to make skin softer and more supple. One bonus, is that cucumbers aren't very acidic and are very unlikely to cause skin irritations.
    • Make your own cucumber paste by peeling the cucumber, removing its seeds and blending it with about 4-5 mint leaves in a blender. Beat an egg white separately and then add this to your mix.
    • Apply the paste on the scar and leave it on for about 20 minutes
    • Wash it off with cool water and use a clean towel to dry the area
    • Practice this regularly to see the most benefits
  7. Try tea tree oil. This powerful oil is anti-bacterial and when used properly can gradually remove scars, including acne and surgical scars. Since it's so strong, it should be diluted with water before being applied to the skin, and should NEVER be ingested.
    • Add a small amount of tea tree oil to warm water to create a "soap"
    • Wash the affected area with the soap, then rinse and gently dry it off
    • You may experience some tingling or light stinging after using the oil, but that is most likely due to the anti-bacterial agents at work. If the stinging persists, you may want to stop using it and consult a dermatologist before continuing its use.
  8. Massage olive oil over the scar. Olive oil is rich in vitamins E and K, which are great for your skin and make this an effective ally in getting your scars to fade quickly. Virgin olive oil is particularly high in anti-oxidants and has higher acidity level, which helps to lighten the scars.
    • Rub approximately 1 tbsp of olive oil onto your scars. Use less if the scar is small.
    • Massage the oil into your scars for approximately 5 minutes to help loosen up the scar tissue.
    • Leave the oil on your skin for roughly 10 minutes, then wipe it off with a clean cloth
  9. Use cocoa butter on your scar.
    • Like lemon juice, cocoa butter must be applied daily for its healing benefits. Rub it over the affected area, beginning as soon as the cut's scab falls off.
    • There is no need to wash it off, as it absorbs into your skin.
    • Cocoa butter is often recommended to eliminate stretch marks and help heal tattoos.

General Care

  1. Stop scars before they strike. While you may not be able to entirely prevent scars from forming, you can take some measures to limit them.[2]
    • Cover the cut with a bandage
    • Keep the cut moist with an antibiotic cream to avoid drying and scabbing
    • Apply pressure to the cut when it's healing. This will prevent the collagen in the scar from raising up.
    • Massage the affected area when the new skin has grown. This will keep the skin loose and make the scar far less noticeable.
  2. Do not expose the scar to sunlight. Ultraviolet rays impede the healing process and will discolor a scar, making it far more noticeable.
  3. Use cosmetics to cover up stubborn scars. If you're looking to hide scars, then here are some other things to consider:
    • Wash your skin with an exfoliating scrub to remove dead skin cells and soften the scarred area
    • Moisturize the affected area to keep it smooth and receptive to other products
    • Try using camouflage makeup that's traditionally a little more formidable than standard cover up, and be sure to find a color that most closely matches your skin tone.
    • Consider applying a finishing powder to prevent the makeup from "slipping" throughout the day.

Medical Remedies: Home Care

  1. Use silicone. You can find this either in gels or in sheets, and when applied to scar tissue, silicone has been proven effective in lightening and flattening scars.
    • The gel can be applied directly to the scar.
    • Silicone sheets can be adhered to the affected area and should stick firmly to the skin. You can also use medical tape to hold the sheets down if having difficult getting them to stay in place.
  2. Apply alpha hydroxy acids. These are the natural fruit acids mentioned earlier, and are beneficial in removing dead skin cells. These will come in different strengths and since you're dealing with acids, they can cause irritations. Consult with a dermatologist on the best choice for you before trying this option. Typically, you'll find this in the form of a moisturizer that can be rubbed into the skin.[3]
  3. Try an over-the-counter scar reducer. These can come in the form of creams, ointments, salves, lotions, gels, and poultices and will typically contain one or a combination of the items listed above. Most often they will contain silicone.

Medical Remedies: Professional Care

  1. Look into laser treatment. In laser scar revision, high-energy light is focused on the affected area and is commonly used to reduce redness and flatten raised scars.
  2. Ask your doctor about surgical scar revision. With this method, a doctor will actually be removing the scar itself and rejoining the healthy skin around it. Scars can be thinned, shortened, disguised, or even hidden in places like wrinkle and hairlines.
  3. Check into dermabrasion. Dermabrasion is typically used to give skin a smoother surface and involves the use of a motorized wire brush. Your surgeon will use the brush to safely wear down scar tissue. The procedure is typically quick, but you will be awake and may experience some discomfort.
  4. Inquire about soft tissue fillers. These are substances such as fat and collagen that your doctor will inject into your skin. They are used to treat soft, indented scars.
  5. Talk to your doctor about punch grafts. In this procedure, small pieces of normal, healthy skin are used to replace scar tissue. The scar is cut away from the skin with a small, circular cutting tool and then the area is filled with a matching piece of skin taken from an unscarred region.
  6. Ask about chemical peels. This method makes use of a chemical to remove the top layer of skin, which in turn helps to smooth out scars. This is less helpful for larger scars.
  7. Learn about cryosurgery. This is a procedure in which the upper skin layers are frozen to induce blistering which will help remove excess tissue from the scar.
  8. Get cortisone injections. These injections help shrink and flatten tough scars, especially hypertrophic scars and keloids - which are scars that result from an overly aggressive healing process.[4]


  • After applying aloe vera gel, the skin around your scar may feel dry. This is temporary.
  • Bio Oil can be used to reduce the look of older scars.
  • Silicone sheets can be washed and reused.
  • Clean face often.


  • If your scab if still there, don't pull it off! It needs to fall off naturally. This is especially true for scabs on your face, as facial skin is very sensitive. If you pull off the scab, there's a good chance that you'll have the scar forever!

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