Create a "Fake Real Person"

Have you ever wanted to become someone else for a day? Maybe a week? Well this guide will tell you how to create the most realistic fake person ever. This person can be used as an imaginary friend, another side of you,an alter ego, or a character for a book.


  1. Make up personal information. For example:
    • Name:
    • Gender:
    • DOB:
    • Appearance:
    • Personality:
    • Family:
    • Friends:
    • School:
    • Pets:
    • History of life?
  2. Store your chart in a file folder marked with their name.
  3. Create them. Use a virtual avatar creator on your computer (IMVU) or on your Wii (Mii maker). Take a screen shot and store it in your file folder.
  4. Make them an email.(OPTIONAL) If you like, you can make them an email.Some like to send emails back and forth that sort of tell things about the person. (Example: Today Kylie was SO annoying at school!) Let's say you have created a character named Katie Ross who likes playing soccer. There are two options for the email addresses:
    • You can include your person's name (;
    • Or you can use words that reflect their personality (;
  5. Make them an Address. Make your person a realistic address. DO NOT make it something like:
    • 123 Awesome Street
    • Cool, Awesome, 12345

    • Make sure you are not using an actual address. Use Google Maps or MapQuest to search your address. It should come up with something like "We did not find an exact match for your search [but we found a similar location]".
    • If you would like to receive mail as your "person", then use your address, or use a trusted friend's.


  • Gmail, Yahoo, and Hotmail are free email companies.
  • Another great website is It creates an entire identity for a character in 26 different languages and 19 countries. You can have a whole made in seconds. It includes: name, website, phone number, email, email password, mother's maiden name, birthday, credit card, credit card expiration date, SSN, occupation, UPS tracking, blood type, weight, height, address, and age. You can also choose the age range (ie 20-55) and the probability of getting a male vs female identity. And best of all, it's free!
  • Give your character a believable family. For example, your average kid doesn't have 27 brothers and sisters.
  • A few great name websites (for naming your character) are and


  • This wikihow was not created for people to lie to others about who they are.
  • If you are a kid you must ask a parent for permission before creating a new email address.

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