Create a Charging Valet

All the portable electronics used in our everyday life require chargers (AC Adapters). If you have several devices such as cell phones, digital cameras, PDAs, and/or MP3 Players, then the chargers may have turned into a nasty tangle of an eyesore. Several home comfort stores sell Charging Valets that hide all the cords and look nice, but cost a bit too much. This is a way to make a simple charging valet.


  1. Buy a basket woven box for cheap from a craft store or big-box department store ($2-8).
  2. If you don't have an extra surge protector sitting around then make sure to pick one up (about $10).
  3. Make sure the surge protector can fit within the basket woven box.
  4. Cut a small hole in the back of the box and feed the surge protectors power cord through the hole.
  5. Plug in all your devices chargers. Weave highly used power cords through the sides and top of the box. Less used chargers such as ones for cameras can stay underneath


  • Use a pocketknife or scissors to cut the basket.
  • Craft stores will often have coupons in Sunday papers, and these boxes can sometimes be found for cheap sitting out front of the store.
  • These baskets can also be found at yard sales. You could make your own.


  • Be careful not to cut yourself.
  • Avoid any wires that may be frayed. This could create a fire hazard and the basket weave is good fire tender.

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