Create a Pregnancy Memory Album

A baby memory album will help you save memories of your pregnancy - the moment you found out you were pregnant, the first time you heard your baby's heartbeat, that adorable ultrasound photo. You'll be able to share it with your child, or just cherish it for yourself. The best part about making a digital book is that you don't have to be artistic. Anyone can create a great baby memory book these days.


  1. Choose your preferred booking making application (e.g. iMemoryBook, Bellflowerbooks, MyPublisher, iPhoto, Adobe inDesign, more listed in external links).
  2. Keep a camera and film on hand at all times.
  3. Put together your baby memory book as the pregnancy progresses, or assemble your different stories in a notebook and make it all at once.
  4. Collect memorabilia. Include things like photos of mom taken every two weeks (stand next to the same object for comparison). Save tags from maternity clothes and pressed flowers from the night baby was conceived and scan them into your book.
  5. Don't forget to include an account of how mom told dad she was pregnant, a photo of parents assembling the crib, and photos of when you were decorating the nursery.
  6. Document food cravings. Tell funny stories about midnight runs for those cravings.
  7. Document expanding sizes, new developments and changing name choices.
  8. Make a family tree.
  9. Tape interviews with family members for ideas about what will change, what the baby will be like and what their hopes are for the future. If you are using a collaborative memory book system (e.g. iMemoryBook, Snapjot), invite them by email to come and add their insights (If your system of choice doesn't have collaboration, just have them each write on a page).
  10. Be sure that both mom and dad write a special section full of their individual hopes and dreams for the new baby.
  11. Don't forget to include space for sonogram photos, hospital photos and items, and birth pictures.
  12. Also jot down moods and dreams


  • Make sure that if you plan to put more than a paragraph or two of text that you pick a book making system that can handle large amounts of text.

Things You'll Need

  • Digital Book Publishing Software (options listed in External Links below)
  • Scanner
  • Digital Camera
  • Simple Photo Editing Software (I Prefer Google Picasa or iPhoto)
  • A Spiral Notebook

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Sources and Citations

  • Free Systems that allow large quantities of text and many pages
  • SharedBook Collaborative online memory book system.
  • Photo Books - (photos with captions)
  • PhotoWorks - Online Photo Book application.
  • MyPublisher Download photo book software.
  • Professional Software ($600+)
  • Adobe inDesign Page layout and design software for creative professionals
  • Quark Makers of design, page layout, publishing, enterprise workflow, personalization, and content management software.