Create an Exercise Music Playlist
Have you ever noticed just how expensive it can be to purchase music with a specified BPM (Beats per Minute) to exercise to? If you have an MP3 player, you can easily organize your music by its tempo for easy use as exercise music.
- Explore your MP3 player's help menu to find how to enter the BPM value. This will usually be a number between 60 and 180. In iTunes, you'll find it under "Get Info" for a song. Other MP3 software will likely vary.
- Find the BPM of your favorite songs.
- Enter the BPM data into your MP3 software.
- View your MP3 library of music.
- Sort the music by tempo. In an iTunes Music Library, this is easily done by double clicking on the column header for BPM.
- Separate the music into tempos in ranges of 10 BPM. For example, 120-130 BPM, 131-140 BPM, 141-150 BPM, etc. This will keep your exercise tempo even and avoid sudden speeding up or slowing down as you exercise.
- Save each tempo grouping into its own play list.
- Load the new exercise playlists onto your MP3 player and head out for your exercise, knowing that you'll be able to keep a steady rhythm as you jog, walk, cycle, etc.
- A good range to begin with is the 120-130 BPM range when you first begin exercising. Progress to faster tempos as your overall fitness improves.
- Exercise within your recommended heart rate.
- Check with a doctor before starting any exercise program.
- Make sure the music you play has a good tempo/beat.
Things You'll Need
- MP3 player and the software for it on your computer.