Create the Mini Bouffant Hair Style

The mini bouffant is a distinct and trendy hair style. It's small and understated, but it can still make an impact.


  1. Start with second day hair It's best to do this hairstyle on second day hair. Meaning you haven't washed it in a day or two.
  2. Comb your hair.
  3. Gather a small section of hair from the front of your head. If your hair is very curly, you may want to straighten the section.
  4. Ponytail the rest of the hair.
  5. Start backcombing the hair. This can be done by backcombing or 'teasing the hair' Simply spray a small amount of hairspray at the roots and push the hair down forming a knot into the hair.
  6. Create the bouffant. gently, with your hands smooth out the tease being careful not to brush it out. Gather hair back and push it up.
    • Secure with a clip or 2 bobby-pins.
  7. Go ahead and add some hairspray.
  8. Finished.


  • Mix 1 teaspoon of your favorite gel and 1 tablespoon of hot water and brush on. This is a much easier way to apply the gel.

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