Create the Perfect Title for Your Book

One of the most important parts of your book is the title. Yet, many people overlook this integral element of their book—be it an academic piece or work of fiction. A catchy and elegant title can not only create interest in your book, but also help generate sales. But by taking the time to formulate potential titles and working with your editor, you can find the perfect title for your book.


Identifying Possible Title Elements

  1. Keep genre titling conventions in mind. Each different genre of literature, from children’s to academia and fiction, have different conventions in titling. These help market the books and can direct you towards identifying potential title elements.
    • Make sure you know the genre in which you hope to market your book. For example, if you want to publish in children’s literature, think about popular titles. They’re usually simple and have something that can catch a child’s eye such as Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs or The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe.
    • Consider your ability to cross-over genres. Some academic texts could be of interest to the public and can incorporate different elements to hook a person’s attention and give an idea of the subject matter. Many titles have a primary and sub-title, for example, Eugene Weber used The Hollow Years: France in the 1930s. It’s catchy and simple, yet lets the reader know enough to figure out the subject.
  2. Have a copy of the book close at hand. As you start thinking about potential titles, make sure that a copy of the book is never far. This can help you peruse and identify keywords, images, dialogue or characters that may make great titles that spark potential readers’ attention.
    • Recognize that keeping the text close for finding a title may also help you refine the text. Refer to it any time you are unsure of something; the lines may inspire you.
    • Figure out major elements of the book such as the narrator or the overall argument. Ask yourself how these elements can figure into a powerful title. Remember that the title isn’t a simple label, but rather a way for readers to first access your work.[1]
    • Consider incorporating various elements such as perspective and comparison into your title.
  3. Listen to perspective. Different genres draw on perspective of a character to tell their story. If your book focuses on the comments or role of one person or narrator, consider using this as a way to draw in your reader. Think of the power of perspective in The Catcher in the Rye: it introduces a mysterious figure that symbolizes the book’s protagonist.
    • Use a primary character in the title to grab potential readers. For example, in addition to Caulfield’s Catcher, Beverly Cleary’s Ramona Quimby, Age 8 in children’s literature gives us the name of the protagonist with a bit of context; or A Past in Hiding: Memory and Survival in Nazi by Mark Roseman in academia traces the protagonist’s history through the perspective of hiding.
  4. Employ imagery, metaphor, or emotion. Anything that draws on a person’s emotions, such as images, metaphors, or even raw feelings can help draw in a potential reader. If your work strikes at particularly emotional chords or has unusual imagery, consider using these as elements in your title.
    • Think about titles in your genre and even others that use imagery, emotion, or metaphor. There are a world of examples including Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs in children’s literature that uses the image of a rainstorm of meatballs; Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin in academia/ non-fiction evokes the murderous geography in the grips of two dictators; Into Thin Air in non-fiction evokes a feeling of being lost to describe the events of the fateful 1996 Everest climbing season; finally, Twilight in fiction evokes the shadowy work a human inhabits with vampires.
  5. Draw upon dialogue. If your book is a work of fiction that includes a significant amount of dialogue, figure out ways to incorporate to grab a reader with it. You may want to keep the dialogue element short and to the point such as Gone with the Wind or Monsters of Men.[2]
  6. Sow the seed of intrigue or curiosity. Many genres use intrigue, mystery, or curiosities within their text. Planting these types of elements in your title can spark a person to want to investigate farther by reading the book.[3]
    • Intrigue may work best with works of fiction or genres like historical fiction. Think of titles such as The Da Vinci Code or Post-Mortem. They make you ask questions like “ooh, what is The Da Vinci Code” or “what happened post-mortem?” However, even academic titles can create intrigue including such examples as The Last Utopia: Human Rights in History because it makes one ask “why is human rights the last utopia?” Titles that generate questions like this have created a sense of intrigue and piqued your curiosity.
    • Create your title from context. The circumstances that drive your book can also provide rich material for your title. Asking yourself questions such as “what kind of restrictions exist” or “is there a specific location” to figure out contexts.[3]
    • Recognize that context can include various elements like space and time. For example works like The Year of Magical Thinking chronicles Joan Didion’s life in the year after her husband’s death or Rue Ordenet, Rue Labat uses the streets of Paris to detail the experience of persecution in Vichy France.
    • Use names or responsibility to create context as well, such as the title Sophie’s Choice. Not only does the example tell us about the protagonist, it sows intrigue and tells us that Sophie was forced to make some type of difficult choice that had significant consequences.
  7. Compare or juxtapose elements. Take some time to notice if there are contradictory themes or situations in your book. Comparing and juxtaposing these elements in a short and simple title can help you not only get at the fundamental essence of your book, but also grab potential readers’ attention.
    • Consider other titles in different genres that use comparison. Some examples include: War and Peace, which details personal lives between situations of war and peace; Beyond Totalitarianism: Stalinism and Nazism Compared contrasts two dictatorships that are often paralleled to get at their unique features; and The Drowned and the Saved uses juxtaposition to get at those who survived and those who fell victim to the Holocaust.
  8. Play upon words. You can use different themes, feelings, or keywords from your book in your title. They can incorporate things like alliteration, rhyme, or an utterance.[3]
    • Keep in mind that some of the greatest works of literature use wordplay. Think, for example, of classics such as Pride and Prejudice and Of Mice and Men, which use alliteration.
    • Remember that you can incorporate wordplay into other genres such as academia or even children’s literature. Classics like The Cat in the Hat and The End of History and the Last Man employ rhyme and common utterances to capture their readers’ attention.

Formulating Potential Titles

  1. Recognize the importance of the right title. No matter if your book is fiction or non-fiction, the title is one of the most important elements of your book. It’s often the first thing people see and can draw them in to pick up the book and possibly buying it.[1] Having an enthralling title versus one that is bland can make a huge difference in interest in your book—for you and your potential readers. A good title will:
    • Predict content
    • Catch the potential reader’s interest
    • Reflect the tone of the book
    • Contain keywords that search engines can easily access.[1]
  2. Keep a list of potential titles. As you are working on the book, it’s likely that potential titles will pop into your mind. Write these down on a designated piece of paper or in a notebook for when you return to brainstorming your final title.
    • Avoid thinking that any potential title is stupid. You may find that once you’ve finished composing and editing your piece that exactly what you thought was ridiculous fits perfectly.
    • Refer to this list as you formulate your final title.
    • Remember that most titles don’t spring for fully formed and need work, so this list can be an incredibly important resource as you proceed.
  3. Figure out your primary themes. Your title should contain either direct references or allusions to the themes of your book. This doesn’t mean that the title has to be very long; in fact, short and catchy titles are often much more effective at peeking potential readers’ interest than drawn out descriptions.[4]
    • Ask yourself “what does this book cover?” or “what is it about?” to help you figure out themes.[3] Write down these keywords in your notebook. For example, if you are writing about the Red Cross during World War II you could use keywords such as “Holocaust,” “victims,” “refugees,” “humanitarianism,” and “concentration camps.”[4]
    • Use allusion in the title, which works for both fiction and non-fiction. For example, consider the title Shades of Grey. This book goes into so-called grey zones of life and directly addresses one of the books protagonists.
    • Be aware that your title can help shape your book as you revise it.[1]
  4. Conduct research on titles. Check which titles are best sellers in your specific genre to inspire yourself title writing process. In addition, this step can help you avoid using or plagiarizing someone else’s title.
    • Consider where you plan to market your book. Will this be for the general public or for the academic community? Or both? Look at different titles in your field that market to each of these different groups.
    • Run searches on Internet search engines and other databases such as JStor for academics or IMDB for fiction. Not only can this help you gain perspective on the title landscape of your field, but also give you further ideas.
    • Read bestseller lists from sources such as the The New York Review of Books or The London Review of Books.
    • Remember that you want your title to be as original as possible so that it doesn’t get lost in a crowd of other intriguing books.
  5. Recruit help. Friends and colleagues can often be great resources for devising titles. Discuss your different title options with them and see if they can offer any great suggestions or advice.
    • Consider inviting friends and colleagues over for a “title writing” party. Though it may sound corny, it can be a lot of fun and may be much more productive than working alone or with one person.
  6. Reserve several titles. As you get closer to the final version of your book and title, decide on several potential titles. Be aware that if your working with an editor, she may change it or you may end up either finding similar titles or decide you don’t like a choice.

Finalizing Your Title

  1. Allow your ideas to percolate. As with any piece of writing, allowing your ideas to sit for a few days without reviewing them can help you see them with new eyes. Return to your list of reserved titles after a week or so to make a final decision on what title you’d like to use. Make sure to have a second title in case you change your mind or your editor has other suggestions.[3]
    • Keep your potential audiences in mind when making your choice.[3]
  2. Work with your editor. Most authors have an editor for the process of getting their book published. Speaking to your editor can help you come up with the perfect and final version of your title.
    • Recognize that most editors know what “works” and doesn’t in your specific genre of writing. Respect their opinions while keeping your own choices in mind.
    • Be aware that your editor may change your title and that you could have little authority in the final title.
  3. Revise your manuscript—and title. Before you send your book for printing and publication, you’ll need to make final revisions to the text and the title. Use this process to further refine the titles you’ve chosen in order to get the perfect title for your final product.[5]
    • Revisit your title choices with friends, colleagues, and your editor to get additional opinions.[1]
    • Accept the fact that your final title may be very different that everything you’ve devised previously because something new works better. For example, Tolkien's last volume of Lord of the Rings novel was initially "The War of the Ring." It was changed later to "The Return of the King," even though Tolkien felt this revealed too much of the story.[6]
  4. Make your final decision. Based on your revisions, conversations with your editor, and your feelings, decide which title you ultimately want to use if you are able. If you don’t have as much ability to choose your title, find a middle ground that is acceptable to you and your editor.
    • Realize that both fiction and non-fiction authors run into similar problems with choosing titles.
    • Consider another publisher if you are truly unhappy with the title the editor is forcing you to “choose.”

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