Cure Hemorrhoids or Piles

Hemorrhoids, also known as piles, are a common condition in which the veins in the rectum or anus swell, sometimes painfully. You often see these dilated varicose veins during and after pregnancy or in other situations that put pressure on or around the anus. They're most common in adults of 45-65 years, though men are more likely to get them than women.[1] Hemorrhoids can go away on their own — commonly during pregnancy— but medical attention is necessary if they persist. Simple self-care methods will help you relieve the itching and discomfort in the meantime.


Tending to Your Hemorrhoids at Home

  1. Keep your anal area clean. Replace showers with a daily warm-water bath while you have hemorrhoids.[2] Soaking in a warm tub for at least 10 minutes a day will increase your blood flow, soothing pain and speeding up the healing process. You don't have to use soap; in fact, soap could make the problem worse by irritating the affected area. Because soap remove naturally produced oils it can dry out and irritate the skin.[3][4]
    • Lingering moisture can also cause irritation, so pat the anal area dry with a cotton ball. You can also dry the area gently using the lowest setting on a hair dryer.
  2. Try a sitz bath filled with warm water. A sitz bath is an over-the-toilet bath for the hips and buttocks that can ease the pain of hemorrhoids, relieve irritation and pruritus as well as relax the anal sphincter. Rather than simply soaking in warm water, a sitz bath sprays the irritated area with a stream of warm water. These products are available at pharmacies and medical supply stores.
    • You can add Epsom salts to your sitz bath to further soothe the skin. Add 1 cup Epsom salts for every 2 quarts of water.[1]
    • Soak the affected area for 10-15 minutes in warm water, up to 2-3 times a day.[5]
  3. Apply a cold compress to the area.[6] You can either purchase a "cold pack" from the pharmacy or just use ice or a pack of frozen vegetables. Whatever you use for your cold compress, cover it with a towel so you don't make direct contact with the irritated skin. Applying cold to the irritated area reduces swelling and soothes itching.
    • Apply the compress gently for up to 20 minutes (less is okay)
    • Remove it if you feel discomfort/pain from the coldness.
    • Repeat 2-3 more times, allowing a few minutes between each application.
  4. Use witch hazel.[7] Witch hazel soothes irritation and reduces swelling with chemicals called "tannins." Pure witch hazel is available at most drug stores, though it can come in different concentrations and application methods. For example, you can buy pads pre-soaked with witch hazel at some drugstores. Application methods and times will vary depending on the product you bought. Follow the instructions that came with your particular product and/or follow your doctor's instructions.
    • It's best to use pure witch hazel, but you might try a product that mixes witch hazel other substances like soothing oils and aloe. Avoid products with synthetic chemicals, which may make the hemorrhoids worse.
    • Draw a warm bath and pour in a few capfuls of witch hazel. Soak in the tub until the irritation has eased.
    • You can apply a diluted witch hazel and water mixture directly to irritated skin up to 6 times a day, or after bowel movements.
  5. Make use of medicated creams.[4] Applying hemorrhoid cream can be an effective over-the-counter remedy for hemorrhoid side effects. Hydrocortisone is a steroid cream, and is the most effective way to combat for "pruritus" (localized itching) after bowel movements. Steroid cream should be applied twice a day for not more than seven days. In theory, it may help reduce inflammation and speed up healing because it's a steroid — but studies have not yet confirmed this.[8] Even if it doesn't cure hemorrhoids, though, it at least controls the itching that comes with them.
    • Follow the instructions for application on the bottle, and do not apply hydrocortisone more often than recommended.

Getting Medical Attention

  1. Know when to see a doctor. Medical attention is important if your hemorrhoids are interfering with your daily life. Furthermore, their symptom can be similar to those of more serious conditions like colon or rectal cancer. Either way, it's important to have a doctor evaluate you if the following occurs:[9]
    • Symptoms linger after a week of home-treatment
    • Pain or swelling grows severe
    • Bleeding increases or changes in color (from bright to dark red, for example)
    • Stool changes in size, shape, or color (from brown to tarry black, for example)
    • Tissue from inside the body bulges out from the anus. If it doesn't retract within 3 to 7 days of home treatment, see a doctor.
  2. Ask your doctor about prescription medication. Tell your doctor about your symptoms and allow her to assess the area. After evaluation, she might prescribe medication based on:[10][11]
    • Pain: hydrocortisone ointment, analgesic sprays - benzocaine, dibucaine
    • Pruritus (itching): hydrocortisone ointment
    • Bleeding: astringent suppositories (Preparation H), hydrocortisone ointment
  3. Consider rubber band ligation for internal hemorrhoids.[10] Rubber band ligation is an outpatient procedure and is common technique for bleeding internal hemorrhoids. It is usually effective at ridding you of your hemorrhoid. The doctor will use rubber bands to cut off blood flow to the internal bundles of hemorrhoids. This causes necrosis (cell death), and the hemorrhoid will eventually slough off.
    • There are two types of hemorrhoids: internal and external. This is determined by the hemorrhoid's anatomic location to the dentate line. Hemorrhoids are graded 1-5 with 1 being mild and 5 being severe. Symptoms of a hemorrhoid include bleeding with a bowel movement, fecal incontinence, wetness, irritation and pruritus of the perianal area. Diagnosis is made based upon history, a physical assessment and visualization of the hemorrhoids.
  4. Weigh your surgical options. [10] In severe cases, hemorrhoids may not shrink with at-home treatment or prescribed medication. At that point, the doctor may recommend removing the hemorrhoid "hemorrhoidal artery ligation operation" (HALO). This procedure is effective and usually painless, so it's gaining popularity in the medical community.[12] The more common response to persistent hemorrhoids is a hemorrhoidectomy, or surgical removal.
    • If you have further complications like prolapse, hernia strangulation, or large anal tags, the doctor will likely recommend surgery.
    • Although hemorrhoidectomy is a surgical process, it's not a major undertaking. It's usually performed in a relatively casual setting, either in a clinic or in an outpatient setting.
    • Most hemorrhoids heal within 48 hours with at-home care or prescription medications. Surgical removal should only be considered after those options have proven ineffective.[11]

Making Lifestyle Changes

  1. Learn the common causes of hemorrhoids.[1] You get hemorrhoids when the veins in an area near the anus call the "hemorrhoidal plexus" dilate. This is an area where a large number of blood vessels connect together, raising the likelihood that pressure will cause dilation and hemorrhoid. Common causes increased pressure that causes hemorrhoids include:
    • Constipation and straining during bowel movements
    • Chronic diarrhea
    • Pregnancy
    • Liver Disease, Cirrhosis
    • Extended periods of prolonged sitting
    • Obesity
  2. Avoid straining during bowel movements. Straining increases pressure during bowel movements, making hemorrhoids worse. Dietary changes can help decrease straining: stick to a normal eating schedule of multiple, small meals. Don't try to pass stool unless you actually feel like you have to, and when you do, decrease strain by using proper technique:[13]
    • Sit with good posture on the toilet, leaning slightly forward with a straight back.
    • Rest each forearm on your knees
    • Put your feet in a comfortable position, and raise your heels off the ground so you're on your toes
    • Keep your legs apart so they are not touching
    • Relax your pelvic muscles and anal sphincter as you feel your stool approaching your rectum.
    • Remember not to hold your breath. Breathe naturally with your mouth slightly open.
  3. Drink plenty of fluids.[14] Drinking water helps prevent flare-ups and speeds up the healing process because a hydrated body can digest food better. Your stool will be softer, causing less strain during bowel movements, reducing the risk of the hemorrhoid enlarging.
    • The Institute of Medicine recommends that men drink 13 cups (3 liters) of fluids every day, and women drink 9 cups (2.2 liters).[15]
  4. Eat more fiber.[5] Fiber helps with constipation which can be a cause of hemorrhoids. Fruits and vegetables with lots of fiber help prevent and cure constipation. When you can pass your stool easily with less strain, you place less pressure on anal and rectal blood vessels. This prevents hemorrhoids, or speeds up the recovery process if you already have them. If changing your diet isn't an option, you might try a stool softener or fiber supplement like Metamucil or Critical. In general, women should take in 25 grams of fiber every day, and men 38 grams.[16] Foods to work into your diet include:[17]
    • Dark, leafy greens like kale and spinach[18]
    • Cooked asparagus, beets, mushrooms, turnips, and pumpkin
    • Broccoli, artichokes, squashes, sweet potatoes, string beans, and raw carrots
    • Fruits: apples, bananas, peaches, pears, tangerines, prunes, berries, figs, and other dried fruits.
    • Grains: brown rice, whole-grain breads, high-fiber cereals, whole-wheat pastas
  5. Avoid foods that will make hemorrhoids worse.[19] Diuretics like alcohol and caffeine increase urination and can cause dehydration. Dehydration can eventually lead to constipation, which can cause hemorrhoids to flare up or linger. As such, avoid alcohol and caffeine while upping your intake of other, more hydrating fluids like water. Processed foods like instant meals and packaged candy have high amounts of salt, sugar, and unhealthy fats that can impede digestion. Because these foods can also lead to constipation, you should avoid them at all costs to prevent and cure hemorrhoids.
  6. Wear non-restrictive, breathable undergarments.[20] Undergarments made from silk or other fabrics that don't allow the free passage of air can trap moisture around the anal area. This can contribute to hemorrhoid flare-ups. Instead, wear loose undergarments in a breathable material like cotton to speed up the healing process.[21]
  7. Protect the anal region from chemicals.[22] The chemicals found in perfumed and dyed products can cause irritation that worsens hemorrhoids. Avoid using perfumed soaps when bathing, perfumed detergent when washing your clothes, and do not use perfumed toilet paper. Look for unscented, dye-free products to replace them. Hemorrhoids are already irritating to the surrounding skin, so do what you can avoid extra, unnecessary irritation.


  • The practice of washing after a bowel movement every time may help prevent hemorrhoids from reoccurring.


  • If you have a severe infection or don't feel relief after a few days, seek medical help and advice from your doctor.
  • Consult a doctor if you have bleed and pruritus at the anal sphincter.
  • Be sure to clean soap off all areas which you have washed to avoid irritation.

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Sources and Citations

  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 Domino, F. (n.d.). The 5-minute clinical consult standard 2015 (23rd ed.).
  2. Jump up
  3. Jump up
  4. Jump up to: 4.0 4.1
  5. Jump up to: 5.0 5.1
  6. Jump up
  7. Jump up
  8. Jump up
  9. Jump up
  10. Jump up to: 10.0 10.1 10.2 Agabegi, S. (2013). Step-up to medicine (3rd ed.). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
  11. Jump up to: 11.0 11.1 Domino, F. (n.d.). The 5-minute clinical consult standard 2015 (23rd ed.)
  12. Jump up
  13. Jump up
  14. Jump up
  15. Jump up
  16. Jump up
  17. Jump up
  18. Jump up
  19. Jump up "The Doctors Book of Home Remedies"; Don Barone; 2003
  20. Jump up
  21. Jump up
  22. Jump up Charles, Elizabeth. How to get rid of hemorrhoids: Everything you ever wanted to know about Hemorrhoids, but were afraid to ask!