Get Rid of Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids, or "piles," can occur as a result of pregnancy, poor diet, excessive straining during bowel movements, or repeated bouts of constipation.[1] Hemorrhoids are essentially varicose veins that form in your rectum or anus due to pressure on that part of your body. They often swell, bleed, and itch, which can be uncomfortable and difficult to manage. Hemorrhoids are generally not a serious condition, but people on blood thinners and people with cirrhosis of the liver may experience prolonged and significant bleeding.[2] Fortunately, there are many different methods to get rid of hemorrhoids and prevent them from returning.


Treating Hemorrhoids at Home

  1. Take a sitz bath. A sitz bath is a technique in which you soak the hips and buttocks in warm water. The moist heat of a sitz bath helps soothe hemorrhoids and relieves some of the painful/itchy sensations.[3]
    • You can use a shallow bath, or a special device that fits over the toilet seat.[4]
    • Soak the anal region in warm water for 10 to 15 minutes two to three times daily for fast, effective relief.[4]
  2. Use wet wipes. If you're experiencing hemorrhoids, dry toilet paper can scratch and tear at already swollen, inflamed veins. Instead of toilet paper, use unscented baby wipes or flushable wipes instead.[5]
    • Make sure you use wipes without fragrance or alcohol, as these may irritate hemorrhoids.[5]
  3. Apply topical medications. There are a number of over-the-counter topical medications designed to help treat hemorrhoids, including creams, ointments, medicated wipes, and suppositories.[5]
    • Most topical medications contain witch hazel or hydrocortisone, which can help relieve the pain and itching associated with hemorrhoids.[5]
    • Other topical medications contain steroids, anesthetics, astringents, and antiseptics.[6]
    • Do not use over-the-counter topicals for longer than one week unless otherwise directed by your doctor.[5]
  4. Take over-the-counter pain medication. Many people with hemorrhoids experience pain, especially during bowel movements. If you're experiencing pain because of hemorrhoids, try taking an over-the-counter pain reliever, like acetaminophen, in conjunction with topical treatments.[5]
    • Avoid using nonsteroidal anti-inflammitory drugs (ibuprofen) and aspirin if you are experiencing bleeding from hemorrhoids or GI bleeding, as they can interfere with your blood's ability to clot. In addition, do not give aspirin to children or teenagers. Aspirin has been linked to a rare but serious condition in adolescents and children called Reye's (or Reyes) syndrome. Reye's syndrome causes swelling in the liver and brain, and can be fatal.[7]
  5. Apply a cold compress. Because hemorrhoids are caused by swollen, inflamed veins, an ice pack or cold compress can help reduce inflammation by slowing blood flow to the site of the hemorrhoid.[5] Seal an ice pack or cold compress in a plastic sandwich bag and apply to the anus for fast relief.[5]
    • Do not use an ice pack or cold compress for longer than 20 minutes at a time. Remove the ice pack for at least 10 minutes before reapplying as needed.[8]
  6. Practice good hygiene. One of the best things you can do to care for hemorrhoids is to keep the anal area clean. Bathe or shower daily, and clean the skin in and around the anus with a gentle stream of warm water. You may do this with or without soap, but soap may irritate the hemorrhoids.[5]

Preventing Hemorrhoid Recurrence

  1. Avoid straining during bowel movements. One of the most common causes of hemorrhoids is excessive straining while going to the bathroom. This may be caused by constipation, or by chronic diarrhea associated with digestive disorders like irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn's disease.[9] It can also be caused by simply sitting on the toilet for prolonged periods of time, due to outside distractions like reading or playing on a smartphone.[10]
    • Do not sit on the toilet for longer than necessary.[10]
    • Try elevating your feet slightly while sitting on the toilet. This may help facilitate a less-strenuous bowel movement.[4]
    • Constipation is a side effect of many over-the-counter and prescription drugs, so talk to your doctor about any medications you may be taking and if you can switch to something less likely to cause constipation.
  2. Respond to bowel urges. If you are prone to hemorrhoids, it's important that you use the restroom immediately when you feel the need. Putting off a bowel movement or waiting for a "more convenient" time can cause constipation and painful bowel movements, which can cause hemorrhoids or aggravate existing ones.[4]
  3. Change your diet. If you experience frequent hemorrhoids, changing your diet may help you prevent future recurrence of hemorrhoids. Eating the right foods, and avoiding harmful food/beverages, can help regulate your bowel movements and reduce the chances of constipation.
    • Add fiber to your diet. Good sources of fiber include fruit, vegetables, whole wheat pasta and bread, wholegrain rice, seeds, nuts, and oats.[11]
    • Try a fiber supplement. Fiber supplement sources include psyllium husk, wheat dextrin, and methylcellulose. Taking daily supplements can help ensure you get 20 to 30 grams of fiber every day.[4]
    • Stay hydrated. Drinking enough water each day can help you regulate your bowel movements and reduce the chances of constipation.[11] Aim for six to eight glasses each day.[12]
    • Avoid caffeine and alcohol, as these can affect your bowel movements.[11]
    • Try a stool softener. You can make a simple stool softener by adding one tablespoon (14.79 ml) of mineral oil to a soft food like applesauce or yogurt. Eat the stool softener with one of your meals, but do not consume this recipe for extended periods of time.[4]
  4. Exercise and lose weight. Being overweight can be a major contributor to hemorrhoids, as additional weight puts pressure on your veins.[12] Physical activity itself can also help reduce the incidence of constipation.[12]
  5. Try alternative medicine. Though medical treatments are most effective, certain herbal or vitamin treatments may help provide relief. Do not try any supplements or alternative remedies without first checking with your doctor or pharmacist — they can interact with other medication you may be taking. Common alternative treatments include:

Seeking Medical Assistance

  1. Know when to see a doctor. Hemorrhoids are highly treatable and generally harmless; however, they may cause complications in some people. If you are experiencing complications associated with hemorrhoids, or if your condition does not improve after about a week with over-the-counter treatments, see a doctor immediately.[11]
    • Blood in your stool may indicate hemorrhoids, but it may also be a symptom of a more serious medical problem. If you find blood in your stool, contact your doctor and set up an appointment as soon as possible.
    • Chronic and prolonged blood loss caused by hemorrhoids can lead to anemia in some people. Anemia results from a loss of red blood cells, which restricts your body's ability to carry oxygen to your cells. Symptoms of anemia include weakness and chronic fatigue.[14]
    • If your body's blood flow to a hemorrhoid is suddenly cut off, it can lead to a condition known as strangulated hemorrhoids. Strangulated hemorrhoids are extremely painful and may result in necrosis (tissue death) and gangrene.[14]
  2. Try non-surgical treatment options. There are a number of options your doctor can counsel you on that do not require surgery. These options are generally safe and effective, are minimally invasive, and can usually be done in an outpatient setting.[15]
    • Rubber band ligation — this minimally-invasive procedure uses tiny rubber bands to constrict blood flow to the hemorrhoid. Your doctor will place these bands around the base of the hemorrhoid, and within one week the hemorrhoid will shrivel and fall off.[15]
    • Sclerotherapy injection — this procedure involves a chemical injection into the inflamed tissue. It results in a shrunken hemorrhoid with reduced pain and inflammation. The injection causes relatively little pain, but may be less effective than rubber band ligation.[15]
    • Coagulation — this technique uses either laser, infrared light, or heat (bipolar) treatments to shrivel and harden the inflamed hemorrhoids. Coagulation has few side effects, but often has a high rate of recurrence compared to rubber band ligation.[15]
  3. Undergo a surgical procedure. In some cases, hemorrhoids may not respond to nonsurgical treatments. If you have not had success with other treatments, or if you have abnormally large hemorrhoids, your doctor may suggest surgery to remove your hemorrhoids.[15] There are a few different surgical options, and they may be performed in an outpatient setting or may require hospitalization, depending on the surgical technique and severity of your hemorrhoids. Surgical procedures do run the risk of prolonged bleeding, infection, and leaking stool, though long-term adverse effects are very rare.[16]
    • Hemorrhoidectomy — this procedure is the surgical removal hemorrhoids and the tissue around hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoidectomies are the most effective way to get rid of hemorrhoids that do not respond to other treatments.[15]
    • Stapled hemorrhoidectomy/hemorrhoidopexy — this procedure involves surgically stapling the hemorrhoid to cut off blood flow to the affected area. This option is considered to be less painful than a hemorrhoidectomy, but it often results in hemorrhoid recurrence and rectal prolapse.[15]


  • If you have hemorrhoids, avoid anal intercourse. Not only will the act irritate your hemorrhoids, but bleeding hemorrhoids can more easily spread blood-borne illness.
  • Hemorrhoids are quite common during pregnancy and after delivery. Avoid using medications without talking to your doctor about the possible side effects those medications may have on your pregnancy.
  • Opiate painkillers like hydrocodone [vicodin], codeine, oxycodone [oxycontin] etc, can cause constipation and thus bring on hemorrhoids. Be sure to take a stool softener and something like Miralax if you have to take opiates.


  • See your doctor if you have blood in your stool. Hemorrhoids could be the problem, but bloody stool could also be a symptom of something far more serious, like colon cancer.
  • If your hemorrhoids become so painful that you can't pass your stool, you should see your doctor immediately. You'll need a prescription strength ointment, or you may have to have your hemorrhoid lanced if it has thrombosed, or developed a blood clot.
  • Some people are sensitive to astringents and the analgesics contained in hemorrhoid cream, so caution should be exercised when using these products.
  • Be sure to check with your doctor or pharmacist if you have any allergies, medical conditions, or are taking any medications or herbs. All of these may affect your treatment plan.

Things You'll Need

  • Stool softener
  • Baby wipe or flushable wipes
  • Sitz bath
  • Witch hazel pads
  • Vasoconstrictor ointments
  • Creams for itch containing lidocaine and hydrocortisone
  • Acetaminophen or ibuprofen
  • Foods rich in fiber or fiber supplements
  • Water
  • Vitamin E
  • Psyllium seed husks
  • Chestnut or aloe oils
  • Aloe vera gel or liquid aloe vera

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Sources and Citations

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