Dance Like the Pussycat Dolls

Have you always loved the way those dolls have danced while singing and just admired them so much?


  1. Prepare yourself by increasing your body awareness. This may include practicing yoga, pilates or ballet. You will improve your posture and your sense of balance. Doing this before you attempt some pretty difficult dance moves will ensure that you are off to a good start.
  2. Listen to a lot of music improve your feeling of timing. Often, dance moves are either on-beat or off-beat.
  3. Watch the way The Pussycat Dolls dance in their music videos, counting the beats through the song (count from 1 to 8, then start over). The best song for that would be "Buttons".
  4. Divide the song/video into sections. Watch each section carefully and try to find out which moves go with the beat (for example: arms up on 1, down on 2, step to the left on 3, jump on 4 etc.)
  5. Copy. While you are watching The Dolls dance you should try to do the dance they are doing. Taping their videos and watching in slow-motion may help grasping the individual moves.
  6. Practice your "sections" with the music and in front of a mirror once you have memorized the moves for that section. Repeat and improve as needed.
  7. Take dance lessons if you don't feel up to going through with this alone. This will probably help. Check to see whether you can find classes in which choreographies of popular groups/songs are taught. They will probably follow a similar approach, but a big advantage is that they can speed up or slow down the music for practice. This will make it much easier to practice the sections until you feel comfortable with the normal speed of the song.


  • "Beep" is also a good dance song for practicing.
  • Watching The Dolls dance is one of the best ways to learn and trying to copy will really help.
  • If you can't copy the dolls very well, watch their moves and try to change them a bit so it looks like their moves with a tint of yours.
  • Remember that all members of the group are/were professional dancers, so if you think you don't look as good as they do, ask yourself if you want to get a professional dance education. Probably you don't, and it's not necessary. For being an "amateur", you're probably doing just fine.


  • Stretch before dancing so you don't hurt yourself.
  • Don't overdo the dancing - you could pull a joint and that is not good

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