Dance The Balboa

The Balboa was named after the location of its inception, the Balboa Peninsula, southern California. It evolved in the 1920’s from a number of popular dances of the day (Charleston, Collegiate Shag, Swing etc.). It is an 8-count dance done in closed (“Pure Bal) or open (“Bal-Swing) position. Characterized by an upright position, a body “pulse, and elaborate footwork, it’s most often danced at high speeds although it can be enjoyed at all tempos.


  1. Torso to torso, stand slightly to the right of your partner such that your feet are “leader-follower-leader-follower. Your torsos should open out very sightly to create a V shape. The right side of the lead's chest must touch the follower's mid-chest as this is your main connection throughout the dance. No light can be seen between you.
  2. Leader, lift your right arm under your partner’s left arm until your upper arm just touches their arm pit. Reach around to place your hand very lightly on your partner’s mid back - do not use it to pull them towards you. Follower, rest your left hand on your leader’s upper arm or shoulder blade (depending on height). Join remaining hands in a loose hand-shake at the follow’s chest height with the follower's thumb around lead's thumb (image not accurate). Those hands rest comfortably tucked up and inwards with a bent elbow and must not hold any tension (image not accurate).
  3. Footwork for leaders:
    • Count 1: Step back on your left placing your weight on your left.
    • Count 2: Step back on your right to meet your left, shifting weight to your right (and shifting your followers weight to her or his left).
    • Count 3: Shuffle left foot forward slightly keeping your weight on your right.
    • Count 4: Return the left foot to Count 2 position shifting weight left.
    • Count 5: Step forward on your right placing your weight on your right.
    • Count 6: Step forward on your left to meet your right shifting weight left.
    • Count 7: Shuffle right foot back slightly keeping your weight on your left.
    • Count 8: Return the right foot to Count 6 position and shift weight right.
  4. Footwork for Followers: Mirror image of the footwork for leaders.
    • Count 1: Step forward on your right placing your weight on your right.
    • Count 2: Step forward on your left to meet your right, shifting weight to your left.
    • Count 3: Shuffle right foot back slightly keeping your weight on your left.
    • Count 4: Return the right foot to Count 2 position shifting weight right.
    • Count 5: Step back on your left placing your weight on your left.
    • Count 6: Step back on your right to meet your left shifting weight right.
    • Count 7: Shuffle left foot forward slightly keeping your weight on your right.
    • Count 8: Return the left foot to Count 6 position and shift weight left.


  • Posture is relaxed and upright with your weight on the whole foot (don't tip-toe)
  • Pulse from the ankles on every beat of the music including during hold steps.
  • Pulse down into the floor, don't bounce upwards
  • Pick up your feet by lifting the knee and shuffle instead of stepping. The steps are also taught as down-down-up (here described as step-step-shuffle) which may help to think about as you move your feet and so your weight.
  • Keep your feet fairly close together and don't rock from side to side except to "jockey" (getting in sync with the rhythm and each other) before you start your dance proper
  • Move your body first, allowing your feet follow underneath.
  • Don't twist your hips
  • There are no rock-steps in Balboa
  • Watch videos of the professionals
  • Keep the motion smooth, not jerky
  • Keep everything as small as possible
  • Pure Balboa is not a show-off dance, it's for the partners to enjoy together
  • The closer your torsos, the better you'll dance Balboa


  • Closed-position Pure Bal is done chest-to-chest, so back in the day dancing with anyone but your husband might well have caused a fist-fight! Today, though, you generally don’t run that risk, and the closer your torsos are, the easier it is to lead and follow.

Things You'll Need

  • Good "slippery" leather-soled shoes.

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