Darken Your Hair Using Henna

Imagine a dark red tint on your hair, especially hair that has turned prematurely grey, which means you probably have half a head of grey hair. This article explains how to use henna, in conjunction with some other items, to make your hair darker.


  1. Boil black tea leaves in water and let it simmer until the water has half evaporated. Water should be in proportion to the quantity of henna you will need for your hair. Please select natural henna.
  2. Add a few cloves in this, during winter months.It keeps your head warm and helps add color.
  3. To get a burgundy shade, slice a beetroot and add that to the water as it boils.
  4. When the water has half evaporated, strain the tea leaves etc and add the henna right away to the warm/hot water. Stir until you get a paste-like consistency.
  5. Add some premixed coffee powder if you prefer a brown shade.
  6. Soak this mixture in an iron container if you want a very dark black shade. However,if you want normal reddish/burgundy, soak in an aluminum or plastic container. Soak overnight.
  7. Apply the henna to your hair. The longer it stays, the darker the shade. If you want to sleep with this mixture, wrap your hair well in some plastic cap.
  8. Rinse with warm water.


  • Applying oil on hands and around the face helps in getting henna off easily.
  • If your nails aren't painted, apply a varnish to your nails before applying henna to your hair to protect them from getting colored.
  • Remember the cloves and the plastic food wrap.
  • If in a hurry, apply this, use a hair dryer to dry your hair, wrap it in a stylish scarf, put on a cap or a hat, and go take care of business.


  • If you sleep with henna on your hair, use something to protect your pillow and bedding. You can use an apron or soft plastic. Recycle an old raincoat.
  • Make sure you check for skin/scalp sensitivity before you apply henna.

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