Deal With Tons of Homework
Everyone who attends school gets homework. Depending on the type of teacher you have, the amount of homework will vary. Here are some tips for when you're having homework trouble.
- Keep a homework agenda/notebook where you record all your homework. Also keep folders and notebooks separate for each subject. Usually your school will give you a daily planner to write down and organize your homework. If not keep a calendar either on your electronic device (most smartphones come equipped with this) or on a paper calendar that you can hang somewhere. Always be sure to write down any homework, tests, or upcoming events for school. If you do have a test that you know of a couple days before hand. Do not leave it to the last minute, you will have to end up doing homework and studying.
- Make sure you are not overdoing homework. Only do what is needed. For example if your Spanish homework is only page one in the book, don't also do page two, three, and/or four! Only do extra if you have the time and you are sure this will be assigned to you on a day where you are crammed up with after school events. Another exception is extra credit, especially if you need it.
- Start with your hardest homework and work your way down. Cross things off your list as you go.You can also cross it off your planner or calendar.
- Save studying for the weekend, or if you have free time during your day or night. If you study between homework pages, it may distract you.
- Start as soon as you get home, not taking a break until you are done unless absolutely needed. Do your hardest subjects first to get them over with.
- Use your time wisely. For example: French-ten minutes, science-ten minutes, math-forty minutes, history-twenty minutes, total of roughly 1 1/2 hours.Always set times, or you will end up with a pile of studying in a short amount of time.
- Once you finish homework for a particular subject, reward yourself by taking a small break. Take a walk, eat dinner, check your social networks. Just make sure its quick (no more than 15 minutes) If you are tight try not to get distracted, only do the things listed before on the weekends. Do not turn on the TV, or you'll never go back and finish your homework.
- Start in school if possible, during study halls and free classes. This will lighten the burden when you get home.
- Understand that the sooner you do it the more you retain from class and the faster you get it done.
- Don't leave homework that is due in a few days until the last minute. Try to do it as early as possible.
- Don't save your homework to be completed late at night! The earlier you start your homework, the sooner you will finish!
- Never do your homework in front of the TV. It will take twice as long to get done as you are being constantly distracted.
- Try not to rush too much. The teacher can tell from the way it is presented.
- Pay attention in class and take notes as it will make homework easy.
- Always do the harder homework first. Never save the hard homework for when you already have done a lot of homework. This will just stress you out and make you do poorly on the homework that matters the most.
- Make sure it is quality work (you are working for the knowledge not the grade)
- Do it all on the day you get it so that you won't have to think of it on the weekend.
- If you have a project to complete, do little snippets each day (including the weekend).
- Always put your phone, tablet or other electronics away if you need to. It will distract you and make it take longer time to complete your work!
- Put away your phone. Even if it is hard at first, it makes a huge difference and you will be able to concentrate much better.
- Try to listen to music to calm you down so you don't stress. But try not listen to music with lyrics. This might distract you from your work.
- Try to take small breaks every so often if you've got a lot of homework.
- Be sure to pay attention to what you wrote! Don't put the wrong subject in your homework or you could get very bad consequences!
- It is always better to be safe than sorry. If your teacher briefly mentions an assignment, do it anyway.
- Don't skip out on homework.
- Do all your homework given straight away so you don't have a pile of homework the next day.
- Never do your homework while your on your computer, phone, tablet or TV.
- If your teacher assigns a homework that has to be done over the computer, always do it last!