Develop Leadership Qualities

Regardless of whether you’re already leading others or would like to in the future, part of becoming a leader is viewing yourself as one first. To achieve this, it’s important to not only learn from other leaders but to start emulating the qualities of a good leader. By doing so, you’ll develop the skills that it takes to be a great leader, either now or in the future!


Learning From Other Leaders

  1. Look to leaders you admire to narrow in on leadership traits you'd like to develop. Think of any and all leaders you admire. They can be current leaders or those of the past. Do an internet search to learn everything you can about their leadership style.
    • See if you can find interviews with the leader, which address the topic of their leadership style. For example, if there's a particular president you feel is or was a strong leader, simply do a search for, "President Obama interview about leadership style."
    • Write down some of the characteristics, which make them a strong leader. The author of the article may have also outlined specific characteristics, so use this for inspiration when thinking of the leadership traits you'd like to develop. [1]
  2. Watch online footage of speeches given by great leaders. These days, it’s easier than ever to find inspiration on how to be a good leader. Doing a few, simple Google searches on “leadership videos,” will yield amazing results.
    • Find speeches given by the leaders you admire. Listen to, not only their words but how they delivered the speech, as communication is one of the most important qualities of a good leader.
    • For past leaders, try doing a search for a written copy of their speeches. You may not be able to see how they delivered it, but you can glean a great deal from their words. Were they trying to inspire others? Were their words hopeful?
    • Try to find a montage of great leader’s speeches. Observe how they hold themselves, where they place their hands and how they deliver their message.
    • TED Talks are a good place to find inspiration as well. One great aspect of TED Talks is that they’re often fairly short, but provide a lot of excellent information in a creative way.[2]
  3. Take a test to determine what kind of leader you are. An important step in developing leadership qualities is first determining the qualities you already possess. It’s important to analyze both your strengths and weaknesses, so you know what to work on.
    • There are free, online tests available for you to take.[3]
    • Many tests will focus on qualities such as your character and likeability as well as your ability to make decisions.[4]
    • Look at the areas where you scored low and use that as a plan for developing your leadership qualities. For example, if you scored low on decision-making skills, practice making decisions quickly and thoughtfully. If your likeability score was low, seek to engage others by smiling more and paying attention when they speak.
    • Don’t view low scores as an obstacle, but rather a learning experience. After you’ve worked on each of the low scoring areas, go back and take the test again. See if your score has improved.
    • If you’re unsure how to improve in a certain area, either ask friends and family for help or do searches online.

Emulating the Qualities of a Leader

  1. Be a good role model. In order to develop leadership qualities, it is often helpful to start by emulating qualities of great leaders, such as being a good role model. People look up to leaders, which is why being a good role model is so important.
    • A good rule of thumb is to act the same whether others are watching you or not.[5]
    • Ask yourself if you’re still the same, respectful, kind and honest person in private, that you are when others are around.
    • Watch what you say and how you say it, as a leader’s words have a great impact on those around them.
    • Part of being a good role model is the act of inspiring others. Through your words and actions, you are either an inspiration or a discouragement. Keep that in mind as you go about your day.
  2. Learn to be likable. Although not every great leader is likable, most people tend to relate to and follow a leader who is. While you may not think of yourself as likable, you can actually learn to be through the way you converse with others and how you carry yourself.[6]
    • Being respectful and polite during conversations is one way to improve likeability.
    • Your body language also contributes to likability. Remember to smile and make eye contact. Others will instantly warm to you if you greet them with both a smile and look into their eyes when they are speaking.
  3. Listen more than you talk. Something that goes hand in hand with likeability, is listening when others talk. Some of the best leaders recognize that they can gain even more knowledge by listening to those around them.[7]
    • Feel free to ask a lot of questions, but genuinely listen to the person’s response. Acknowledge that you’re listening by smiling encouragingly and asking follow-up questions.
    • Refrain from using technology during a conversation. If you’re on your phone during a conversation, it’s easy to tell you’re not paying attention.
    • Remember that if you’re doing all of the talking, you’ve missed out on the opportunity to really listen and understand where others are coming from.
  4. Dress for success. One of the best ways to feel like a leader and to be viewed as one, is through your appearance. Whether you like it or not, people will immediately judge you based on your outward appearance before getting to know you and what you stand for.
    • Start dressing like a leader by making sure you have good grooming habits. Keep your hair combed, make sure facial hair, for men, is trimmed or shaved and that your fingernails are well maintained.
    • Try wearing a suit and tie to work every day, instead of your typical dress pants and shirt. Suits are often associated with a position of power, so you will both look and feel like a leader when wearing a suit.[8]
    • Women shouldn’t feel the need to dress in something that is overly masculine. Aim for polished and tailored as opposed to baggy and sloppy. Keep accessories to a minimum.
  5. Exude confidence. Your attire in one way in which you can exude confidence, but confidence extends well beyond the way you look. In fact, many feel that confidence is the foundation upon, which leadership is built.[9]
    • Confidence is a part of nearly everything that a leader does. Whether it’s confidence in making decisions or in public speaking; confidence is at the core of every leader.
    • Even if you’re not an overly confident person, practice acting confident by smiling and asking lots of questions.
    • Refrain from using filler words like, “umm…” and “like.” This will help you to speak more confidently.
    • If you’re still struggling with exuding confidence, try learning more about How to Be Confident.
  6. Be enthusiastic and positive. Remember, as a leader others are looking to you to set the tone. Being enthusiastic and positive not only creates a better environment for those around you, but makes people more willing to trust you.
    • People are attracted to positivity and enthusiasm and they will be more willing to follow you if you exhibit both.
    • Even on off days, try to put a positive spin on things. For example, instead of saying “we weren’t profitable last month,” try saying, “It may not have been our best month, but let’s continue to work hard together to turn things around.” The way you deliver bad news can make a huge difference, if it’s done positively.
  7. Make quick and decisive decisions. Making decisions quickly and decisively doesn't mean you should be rash when acting on something. In fact, there are times when leaders do need more information before making a decision. This simply means that great leaders don't overthink or procrastinate when a big decision needs to be made.[10]
    • When making decisions, try to be as unemotional as possible. Look at the problem rationally and proceed from there.
    • Limiting your options may help in the decision making process. For example, if you're responsible for choosing a vendor for the company lunch, simply find three good options and make your decision from there.
    • Trust your gut. Great leaders rely on their instinct to make wise decisions. Once you have the relevant and necessary information, go with your gut!

Looking for Leadership Opportunities

  1. Take on advanced roles at work. A great way to further develop your leadership skills, is to take on more advanced roles at work. Whether you're a part-time or full-time employee, there are always ways in which you can take on more responsibility.
    • Speak with your manager about opportunities for taking on more of a leadership role. You may be able to be involved with training others or planning events within the organization.
    • In the corporate world there are often set tracks to becoming a manager. Be honest with your supervisor and let them know your intentions. Ask them for advice and the steps you need to take in order to move up to a more senior position.
  2. Volunteer to be president of organizations you're involved with. Outside of work, there are many opportunities to lead through the organizations you're involved in.
    • Perhaps you're involved in a Home Owners Association. Volunteer to be president or, if it's election based, run for president and get others to vote for you.
    • Schools are often looking for PTA presidents, so even if you're not involved in an organization, inquire at your child's school to see if you can be on the board.
    • Being the president of an organization will help to improve upon your communication likability and listening skills.
  3. Organize a community service project in your community. Even if there isn't a specific organization dedicated to community service projects, find a cause that you're passionate about and rally others to support you.
    • It could be something as simple as creating a trash day where you recruit neighbors to help you pick up trash in the neighborhood. Lead the efforts by recruiting volunteers, organizing who should purchase what and designating specific cleaning areas. This will help you to improve upon decision making skills and leading with confidence.


  • Keep adding to your list of leaders you admire. As new leaders emerge, keep an eye out for what makes them so successful and try to emulate that.

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