Develop Your Own Unique Lifestyle
This article will show you how to find things that appeal to you, and how to be unique and yourself.
- A personality cannot be changed. Just improved. A unique person needs a unique personality, so be unique. Be talkative and friendly but, on the other side, be lonely and nostalgic. Always show your true emotions but don't reveal everything about yourself to others. This will make you look mysterious and different from everyone else.
- When you talk with people don't discuss common issues. Ask them their opinion on the afterlife or art. Also, listen to them and try to advice them, giving them strange but, hopefully, correct advice.
- You don't have to go to places where all people go. Visit street markets alone and look for antiques and funky things that will make your lifestyle look crazy and lovable. Also, visit galleries, go to the theatre and to funky, strange neighborhoods (example: if you live in London, go to Camden town).
- Don't be afraid to act childish and do things that everyone wants to do but is afraid of. Spend time with your family and friends, go to the library if you want, go to a museum if you want, go to a playground if you want. Do whatever you want to. People will think you are interesting and straight-forward.
- Spend time with your friends.
- Write music, poetry or design clothes. Every each one of these activities is unique and funky and other people will want to learn more about it.
- Be an extrovert but an introvert, too.
- Don't try to be popular. If someone bullies you act like you don't care at all.
- Be random and crazy yet know when to tone it down.
- Don't care what anyone else thinks. Stay true to yourself! People will admire you all the more for it.
- Smile! if you feel happy, you will be able to keep an open mind.
- If you are gay (or bi), come out! But it's best to tell some close friends first in case you need moral support before or after telling your parents.
- Don't lock your feelings on your personality inside because you are scared somebody won't like it. If you live like that, you may never find your real, unique, inner style! The only person that has to like it is you-it's your style, anyway!
- Think before you say and don't do anything stupid.
- Be very careful about the choices you make... Always think twice...
- Don't pretend to be someone else, I mean don't copy others.
- Just be what you are. People will like it. Wear what you want etc,
- Don't do anything illegal. No one wants to be locked up
- People may judge you because of your beliefs.
- most IMPORTANT don't try too hard!