Distress Wood

When you distress wood, you create the look of a well-worn surface on a new piece of furniture without spending a tremendous amount of money. You can either distress a new wooden surface or use distressing techniques to alter the surface of an existing piece of furniture.


Part 1: Prepping the surface

  1. Lay the wood or furniture down in an open area. Make sure you have enough room to move freely so that you do not strike anyone if you are swinging an object in the air.
  2. Remove any paint or markings if you prefer to distress bare wood. Use sandpaper for latex paint removal and mineral spirits for oil-based paint removal.
  3. Add paint if you want to use distressing techniques to make multiple paint layers visible. For instance, colored paint painted over white paint, when distressed, will reveal some of the white layer beneath.

Part 2: Distressing the wood

  1. Fill a sock full of screws or nails. Start hitting the wood at one end and work your way to the other end. The sock creates a buffer so that the wood's surface is marked up gradually.
  2. Hit the wood with a hammer or a rubber mallet. The hammer will leave deep impressions while the mallet will make slight dips in the surface.
  3. Use one-half dozen to a dozen drywall screws attached to a piece of 2x4 for heavy "wormholes." Attach the drywall screws to the 2x4 so that they're sticking out at a uniform level. Hammer the piece of wood repeatedly to create the wormhole effect.
    • For a lighter wormhole effect, use a small screwdriver to puncture the same portion of the surface of the wood lightly. Piece surface of the wood randomly rather than in the same area.
  4. Dip a drinking glass in water and place it on a dark wood surface for 15 minutes. The ring left behind by the glass is a nice effect for either a table or a bar.
  5. Use petroleum jelly to distress wood. Petroleum jelly, like Vaseline or Vicks VapoRub, can create a distressed look when you're using multiple coats of paint. Lay down one layer of paint, and let it dry. Add the petroleum to areas you want distressed; be conservative with how much you use. Add your second coat of paint, let dry, and then go over the petroleum jelly areas with a bit of steel wool.
  6. Create divots in the surface striking the wood with the heel of a women's shoe. The pointed tip of the heel will create a nice crater. Hit in random spots and use different amounts of force.
  7. Strike the wood with a metal chain. Using a metal chain will distress the surface and will mask fresh cuts in the ends of a piece of wood.
    • Secure wing nuts and bolts onto your chain for a more random look. Regular chain will leave a more uniform distressing pattern on wood, whereas chains with add-ons such as small bolts will leave a more variegated distressing pattern.
  8. Use steel wool and vinegar. Put a strip of 0000 steel wool in a glass jar filled with plain white vinegar. Let stand overnight. In the morning, the steel wool should be mostly dissolved. Paint the steel/vinegar mixture onto bare wood with a brush. Watch as the vinegar solution reacts immediately with the wood.
    • This distressing technique is used primarily to grey or age the wood, as opposed to distress the wood, although it has a very similar feel. Spot test on a different piece of wood to experiment before you apply to your desired piece.
  9. Use a small chisel, a pry bar or the claw of a hammer to chip away at the edges of the piece of wood. You can also create deep grooves in the wood by dragging one of these tools across its surface.
  10. Distress wood with paint. Create a distressed look merely by applying two coats of contrasting paint — no hitting, scraping, or scuffing. Paint the lower layer on and let it dry completely. Paint the top layer on and wait until it's nearly dry. With a damp, not wet, cloth rub the top coat of paint away from the wood in even strokes until the bottom coat of paint sees through. This creates a nice two-tone distressing effect.
    • If you use this distressing technique, skip the wood staining process below. Wood that has been "distressed" by painting does not require any stain.
  11. Rub the wood surface with 60-grit sandpaper. Alternatively, make random passes over the wood's surface with a power sander.

Part 3: Making wormholes

Wormholes can be created to add an aged element, reminiscent of insect damage over time.

  1. Secure the head of a long drywall screw in the jaws of vise-grip pliers.
  2. Hold the screw flat against the surface of the wood. Strike the threads of the screw with a small hammer.
  3. Vary the intensity of the hammer strikes as you move the screw into different portions of the wood.
  4. Lift the screw head off the wood slightly to create a deeper "wormhole".
  5. Sand off to complete.

Part 4: Finishing the project

  1. Dip a rag into a container of wood stain. Rub this across the surface of the wood, making sure to cover the areas with deep grooves and nicks.
    • Use a stain that compliments both the color and type of wood you are using.
    • Let the stain dry and apply additional coats as needed.
  2. Use a brown or gray-toned glaze. Brush the glaze over the wood with a dry brush, and buff the color with a lint-free rag. Make sure to push glaze into the joints and corners of the furniture.
  3. Apply a coat of clear sealer over the piece to lock in the stain or glaze. If the sealer appears too glossy, use a buffing tool to dull the shine.


  • Wear protective eye wear and gloves when doing this project.
  • Start slowly when you distress a wood surface. You can always add more markings, but you can never take back anything that you've overdone.


  • Older surfaces may contain lead paint, which is toxic. Before you break a painted surface by distressing it or sanding it, test it with a lead paint test strip from your hardware or home improvement store.

Things You'll Need

  • Wood
  • Sandpaper (fine and rough grit)
  • Protective eye wear
  • Work gloves
  • Sock
  • Nails
  • Screws
  • Hammer and/or mallet
  • Drinking glass
  • High heel shoe
  • Metal chain
  • Chisel or prybar
  • Rag or paper towel
  • Wood stain
  • Glaze
  • Paintbrush
  • Clear coat sealant
  • Buffing pad

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